Bachelor of Biomedical Science

2019 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2019 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2019 course information

Award granted Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Course Map

2019 course map

If you started your course before 2019, please refer to the plan your study page or contact a Student Adviser

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Cloud CampusNo
Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code085577M Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Deakin course codeS323
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Biomedical Science at Deakin covers the science underpinning medical applications, from basic biology to specific disease processes to provide you with a thorough understanding of human biology and health, with an emphasis on the cause, diagnosis and treatment of disease at the molecular, cellular and system levels.

The Bachelor of Biomedical Science is a flexible and topical program, and our multidisciplinary approach enables you to learn about your chosen field of study from both scientific and health perspectives.

Throughout the course you’ll gain relevant and wide-ranging practical experience in the laboratory to ensure you graduate with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in the real-world across a diverse range of careers.

Career education has been integrated into the curriculum to enhance your graduate employability through increased awareness of possible career opportunities and career readiness. You will be equipped with valuable transferable skills in communication, critical thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and teamwork, which are critical for success in the job market.

You also have the opportunity to participate in an overseas placement and apply for an Industry-Based Learning experience. Placement opportunities enable you to apply knowledge gained in your course, experience workplace culture and practices, explore career options, and develop a professional network before you graduate.

Units in the course may include assessment hurdle requirements.

Indicative student workload

You can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Career opportunities

As a graduate of Deakin's Bachelor of Biomedical Science you will be able to enter a vast range of health-related industries including medical research, genetic engineering, the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical/medical sales and laboratory technology. You can also advance to honours or postgraduate studies, either in more specialised areas of biomedical science (which will enhance your professional development as a scientist), or in other disciplines (which will complement your scientific training and broaden your career opportunities). Moreover, since this is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) course, graduates are also highly sought after by a wide range of non-science industries, including consulting and accounting firms, because they have acquired important transferable skills like critical thinking.

Participation requirements

You may be required to complete units in Trimester 3 depending on your chosen major. Please refer to the Handbook for unit offering patterns.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Develop foundational knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology to demonstrate broad and coherent understanding of molecular, cellular and physiological aspects of human biology and disease.  Use scientific process of experimentation from conception of an idea to testing of hypotheses and interpretation of scientific information, and apply procedures in order to explore, experiment and expand knowledge in familiar and unfamiliar situations.  Critically evaluate current and historical scientific literature, generate original ideas, and effectively apply theoretical knowledge to the conception of new ideas, interpretation of biomedical information and professional practice.


Apply well-developed communication skills to illustrate ideas and conceptions clearly and coherently using a variety of tools and techniques that engage scientific and non-scientific audiences.  Articulate scientific information in a structured form to describe scientific problems, formulate hypotheses, analyse evidence in order to support or oppose the interpretations of findings and conclusions, in light of the evidence from scientific studies.

Digital literacy

Locate, analyse and interpret information to differentiate established facts from new evidence using scientific tools in a digital world to formulate an opinion.  Evaluate information using evidence from a range of reliable sources to establish scientific knowledge, recognise ambiguity and disseminate information.

Critical thinking

Use abstract, analytical and logical reasoning to critically evaluate scientific arguments and approaches.  Apply critical reasoning in a variety of situations to scope, interpret and structure investigations to develop an in-depth knowledge for professional biomedical practice.

Problem solving

Identify scientific problems and use structured approaches and experimental strategies to formulate and propose solutions by taking into account relevant discipline and contextual factors.  Use judgement to convince scientific and non-scientific audience, in the use of strategies to generate solutions to real world problems.


Evaluate own knowledge and skills using frameworks of reflection and take responsibility for learning and performance.  Work responsibly and safely in scientific and professional environments to enrich the ideas of others by sharing learning experiences.


Work effectively as a team member, assuming various roles and utilising effective teamwork skills in order to achieve goals.

Global citizenship

Apply ethical practice in professional situations to demonstrate responsibility as practitioners when working with people from diverse cultures and communities.  Identify and prioritise local, national and global issues and concerns and contribute towards solving real world problems from the context of biomedical science. 

Approved by Faculty Board 7 June 2018

Course rules

To complete the Bachelor of Biomedical Science, students must attain 24 credit points. Most units (think of units as ‘subjects’) are equal to 1 credit point. So that means in order to gain 24 credit points, you’ll need to study 24 units (AKA ‘subjects’) over your entire degree. Most students choose to study 4 units per trimester, and usually undertake two trimesters each year.

The course comprises a total of 24 credit points, which must include the following:

  • 15 credit points of core units (which includes a compulsory professional practice unit at level 3);
  • At least one 6 credit point approved major sequence from the list below;
  • Completion of STP050 Academic Integrity (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • Completion of SLE010 Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety Induction Program (0-credit point compulsory unit);
  • Completion of STP010 Introduction to Work Placements (0-credit point compulsory unit);
  • Level 1 – up to 10 credit points;
  • Level 3 - at least 6 credit points.

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. Click here for more information.

Major sequences

Refer to the details of each major sequence for availability.

Students must complete one of the following major sequences:

Course structure


You must complete all units below:

Level 1 - Trimester 1

STP050Academic Integrity (0 credit points)

SLE010Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety Induction Program (0 credit points)

SLE115Essential Skills in Bioscience

SLE111Cells and Genes

SLE133Chemistry in Our World ^

plus one elective/major unit

Level 1 - Trimester 2

SLE155Chemistry for the Professional Sciences

SLE132Biology: Form and Function

SLE123Physics for the Life Sciences

plus one elective/major unit

^Note: Students who have completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent may choose to replace SLE133 Chemistry in Our World with an elective unit.

Molecular science is integral to modern biomedical science. For this reason, knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry and other fundamental sciences is important for all students in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science course. Students who have a weak or no knowledge of VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4, must study SLE133. Students, who have a strong knowledge of VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4, may choose an elective instead of SLE133, and proceed directly to SLE155. Alternatively, students who have a strong knowledge of VCE Chemistry Units 3 and 4, may choose to study SLE133 in order to strengthen and consolidate their chemistry skills and understanding.


Level 2 - Trimester 1


SLE251Research Methods and Data Analysis


plus one elective/major unit

Level 2 - Trimester 2

STP010Introduction to Work Placements (0 credit points)

SLE254Genetics and Genomics

SLE221Systems Physiology

SLE206Cell Biology +

plus one elective/major unit

+ SLE206 is offered in Trimester 2 at Burwood (Melbourne) and Trimester 3 at Waurn Ponds (Geelong)


Level 3 - Trimester 1

SLE323Advanced Topics in Biomedical Science

plus three elective/major units

Level 3 - Trimester 2

SLE334Medical Microbiology and Immunology

SLE346Molecular Basis of Disease

SLE390Professional Practice in Bioscience #

plus one elective/major unit

# Must have successfully completed STP010 Introduction to Work Placements (0 credit point unit)

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure


Select from a range of electives offered across many courses. In some cases you may even be able to choose elective units from a completely different discipline area (subject to meeting unit requirements).

It is important to note that some elective units may include compulsory placement, study tours, work-based training or collaborative research training arrangements.

Recommended elective units:

ASS101Peoples of the World

HBS109Human Structure and Function

HBS110Health Behaviour

HMM203Human Anatomy

HPS111Psychology A: Fundamentals of Human Behaviour

HPS121Psychology B: Individual and Social Development

HPS203The Human Mind

HPS310Brain, Biology and Behaviour

HSE102Functional Human Anatomy

HSN211Nutritional Physiology

SIT190Introductory Mathematical Methods

SIT199Applied Algebra and Statistics

SLE103Ecology and the Environment

SLE209History and Philosophy of Science

SLE224Animal Behaviour

SLE225Global Environmental Placement

SLE314Research Project

Work experience

You’ll gain practical experience by completing a two week placement at a course-related host organisation to provide you with opportunities for workplace visits, field trips, industry learning and to establish valuable networks – giving you better insight into your possible career outcomes.

You’ll also have the opportunity to undertake a discipline-specific industry placement as part of your course.

Elective units may also provide additional opportunities for Work Integrated Learning experiences.

Details of major sequences

Details of major sequences

Medical Genomics


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



The Medical Genomics major will examine core genomics areas, including medical and human genomics, comparative genomics, microbial and forensic genomics, biotechnology (drug discovery) and phylogenomics. You will gain a sound understanding of associated methodologies including Next Generation Sequencing, high throughput genotyping, metagenomics, small RNA and transcriptome analysis. You will acquire quantitative and bioinformatics skills required for genomics research and big data analysis and will apply the bioinformatics concepts and methods, programs and pipelines required to support contemporary genomics research and big data analysis and interpretation. The impact of personalised medicine and ethical and social issues related to the use of genomics in the context of human health and diversity, biomedical research and biotechnology will also be discussed.


HMM102Principles of Gene and Genomic Technology

HSH205Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1

HMM202Molecular Diagnostics

SLE340Genomes and Bioinformatics *

SLE321Molecular Biology Techniques ~

SLE339Human Genetics and Genomics ~

~ Available at the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus from 2020

* Available at the Melbourne Burwood Campus from 2020

Details of major sequences

Medical Biotechnology


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



Medical Biotechnology uses living cells and cell materials to produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help treat and prevent human diseases. This major provides you with a sound understanding of the core sciences underpinning biotechnology for medical advancement. You will be taken on a journey from the development of the first medical treatments through to regenerative medicine and cutting edge diagnostic and therapeutic deliver systems such as nanotechnology and the associated social and ethical issues surrounding their use. You will also learn the business of medical biotechnology including risk management, funding and regulatory frameworks relative to the Medical Biotechnology industry.


HMM101Introduction to Medical Biotechnology

HMM102Principles of Gene and Genomic Technology

HMM201Medical Nanotechnology

HMM202Molecular Diagnostics

HMM302Innovations in Medical Biotechnology

HMM305Cell and Tissue Engineering


Details of major sequences

Environmental Health


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



Environmental Health deals with many factors in our natural and built environment that affects human health. You will learn how microorganisms and toxic substances interact with biological systems and how this leads to clinical effects. Risks to healthy environments in urban, industrial, agricultural and/or natural settings will be evaluated using epidemiology, toxicology and statistics. You will also learn about risk assessment and risk management through policy, legislation, and integration of risk management with environmental management principles. This major is recommended for students interested in working in public health policy, environmental health and related areas.


HBS107Understanding Health

HSN101Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health

SLE234Microbiology *

HSH205Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1


SLE342Risks to Healthy Environments

* Prerequisite unit applies (SLE111 Cells and Genes - core to the course)


Details of major sequences

Pharmaceutical Science


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



Pharmaceutical Science aims at developing new medicines for the treatment of disease. This major covers topics including the chemistry, biology and technology of medicines and is ideally suited for students who have a strong interest in chemistry, drug action and discovery. You will learn how the chemistry of life determines the biology of cells, tissues and organisms, and explore the drug discovery process from the identification of suitable drug targets to the use of chemistry to isolate, design and apply molecules in the treatment of disease. Pharmaceutical Science underlies the business of a multi-billion dollar industry, which provides a huge range of employment opportunities. This major prepares graduates for a successful career in basic and applied research, future employment in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, and the wider health care sector.


SLE210Chemistry the Enabling Science

SLE214Organic Chemistry

SLE318Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry

HMM301Principles of Pharmacology

HMM304Therapeutic Development

Select one unit from the following:

SLE222Biochemical Metabolism

SLE235Chemical Systems


Details of major sequences

Infection and Immunity


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



The Infection and Immunity major will explore development and disease at a cellular level, investigate key concepts of immunity and blood cells, and introduce the world of genomics and proteomics. Students will gain a sound understanding of the key concepts and techniques underpinning clinically-relevant microorganisms and their control, and through the use of epidemiology and biostatistics identify prevalent diseases in relationship to specific populations. You will also learn current laboratory techniques engaged in molecular diagnostics for the analytical identification of infectious pathogens to develop therapeutic applications.


HMM103Cell Technology

HMM204Haematology and Immunology

HMM202Molecular Diagnostics

HSH205Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1

HMM303Emerging Infectious Diseases and Their Control

HMM304Therapeutic Development


Details of major sequences

Molecular Life Sciences


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



Molecular Life Sciences aim to understand and describe the biology of life at the level of atoms and molecules in the context of cells, tissues and entire organisms. It is based on the chemistry of life and the physical laws that govern it. Throughout this major you will study topics including biochemistry, microbiology, physiology and genetics. Fundamental research in Molecular Life Sciences underpins all efforts to develop new drugs and treatments. This major will enable you to acquire an advanced understanding of chemical, physiological and genetic processes that determine health and disease at the molecular level. In addition, technical skills relevant for biomedical research will be obtained. This major prepares graduates for a successful career in basic and applied research, future employment in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, and the wider health care sector.


SLE211Principles of Physiology

SLE222Biochemical Metabolism

SLE321Molecular Biology Techniques ~

SLE339Human Genetics and Genomics ~

HMM301Principles of Pharmacology


~ Available at the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus from 2020


Other course information

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Other learning experiences

To broaden your experience of the world, you will have an opportunity to participate in overseas placements and study tours as an elective option in your course.