Master of Health and Human Services Management

2017 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2017 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2017 course information
Award granted Master of Health and Human Services Management
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from 2017.

If you require a course map from a previous year, please contact a Student Adviser.

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Cloud CampusYes

2 years full-time or part-time equivalent, depending on your entry point

CRICOS course code056060C Burwood (Melbourne)
Deakin course codeH756
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Quality Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

This course sets you on track for the next step in your health career toward management and leadership.

Learn to make evidence-based decisions that focus on improving the quality of health service delivery – a sector that has seen strong growth in recent years.

Deakin’s Master of Health and Human Services Management focuses on business and management issues within health, making it the most relevant business administration course for the health sector.

This course is particularly well suited to those interested in working in the health and human services sector as well as those who currently hold senior positions in the industry.

You will develop core skills required for leadership and strategic planning, health needs assessment and evaluation, program planning and monitoring, resource and project management, communication and negotiation.

This course offers enormous flexibility, allowing you to choose elective study options that align with your career aspirations and interest areas. Elective units can be chosen from specialty areas such as health economics, public health research and business administration.

There is also flexibility of choice between research and coursework, enabling you to construct a study program that best meets your interests and career aspirations.

Indicative student workload

In the Faculty of Health you can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Career opportunities

Career opportunities for graduates of the Master of Health and Human Services Management exist in hospitals and health services, welfare organisations, government departments and agencies and non-government organisations. Employment opportunities exist locally and overseas.

The course is designed within an international context.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline Specific knowledge and capabilities

Apply a critical and advanced knowledge in the area of Health and Human Services Management including research and current professional practices in the areas of:

  • leadership and strategic planning,
  • evidence-based decision making,
  • health needs assessment and evaluation,
  • program planning and monitoring,
  • resource and project management,
  • communication and negotiation.


Communicate effectively with a range of individuals and groups, using a variety of modes and methods in a Health and Human Service context.

Digital Literacy

Select and use digital technologies to locate, evaluate and disseminate research to address complex health and human service management issues.

Critical thinking

Critically evaluate and synthesise complex information, problems, ideas, concepts and theories within a health and human services context.

Problem Solving

Apply creative strategies to address complex and ill-defined health and human services management problems.


Demonstrate critically reflective self-management with relevant workloads, commitments and timeframes while displaying a commitment to ethical health and human services management practice and lifelong learning.


Interact collaboratively and constructively with a diverse range of people across multiple teams and contexts to achieve targeted health and human services management outcomes.

Global Citizenship

Demonstrate a critical awareness and sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, religious, social and political issues in health and human service management contexts. 


Course rules

To complete the Master of Health and Human Services Management students must attain 16 credit points. All units are equal to 1 credit point.

The course comprises 10 core units (these are compulsory) and 6 elective units (you can choose which ones to study from the options in the course structure).

Course structure

Core units

This course structure applies to students commencing in 2017. Students that commenced in 2015 or 2016 should refer to previous handbooks. Students who commenced prior to 2015 should refer to the H746 Master of Health and Human Services Management course entry.

HBS703Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH702Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH717Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH719Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH725Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH762Unit description is currently unavailable

HME711Unit description is currently unavailable

MPA702Unit description is currently unavailable

MPM701Unit description is currently unavailable

MPM722Unit description is currently unavailable

Course structure


The MHHSM has three specialisations: Public health, Health Economics and Business Administration plus a Research Pathway.  Students must choose one of the following four options

Option A: Public Health specialisation

HSH701Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH744Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH746Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH769Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus two units from:

HME712Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH703Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH709Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH728Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH731Unit description is currently unavailable -must be taken as a pair with HSH732

HSH732Unit description is currently unavailable - must be taken as a pair with HSH731

Option B: Health Economics specialisation

HSH766Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH746Unit description is currently unavailable

MPE781Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus three units from:

HME712Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH763Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH764Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH768Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH769Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH761Unit description is currently unavailable

Option C: Business Administration specialisation

MPE781Unit description is currently unavailable

MPM703Unit description is currently unavailable

MPM732Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus one unit from:

MWL702Unit description is currently unavailable

MWL703Unit description is currently unavailable

MWL704Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus two units from:

HME712Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH763Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH766Unit description is currently unavailable

MPK732Unit description is currently unavailable

MPM731Unit description is currently unavailable

Option D: Research specialisation*

HSH744Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH746Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH733Unit description is currently unavailable

HSH734Unit description is currently unavailable

Students choosing this option must obtain approval from the course director