Master of Engineering

2020 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2020 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2020 course information

Award granted Master of Engineering
Course Map

Trimester 1 2020 course map

Trimester 2 2020 course map

Trimester 3 2020 course map

If you started your course before 2020, please refer to the plan your study page or contact a Student Adviser


Offered at Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Cloud CampusNo
Duration2 years full-time or part-time equivalent
Deakin course codeS752
Approval status

This course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Study the Master of Engineering and you will develop technical skills, a positive approach to problem solving and the ability to work as part of a team, while focusing on practical experience and a supervised research or industry project that provides you with the advanced project management skills required to tackle complex, industry-focused problems head on.

Throughout the degree you will acquire advanced engineering skills and the forward-thinking, innovative and entrepreneurial skills employers are looking for, while strengthening and extending your understanding of engineering through the pursuit of specialised study in either Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Design, Mechatronics Engineering or Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering – the choice is yours.

You will have world-class facilities and equipment at your fingertips with access to the Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training (CADET) and the Geelong Technology Precinct (GTP) – home to the Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM), the Institute of Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI), CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering and the Australian Future Fibre Research and Innovation Centre.

Engineering offers an exciting future for your working life, with a huge demand for engineering graduates in Australia and internationally. Skilled engineers are needed across all sectors, opening up excellent career opportunities around the world.

Units in the course may include assessment hurdle requirements.

Indicative student workload

You can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Career opportunities

Graduates of this course may find career opportunities in a wide range of engineering industries associated with their specialisation. With strong demand for professional engineers continuing to increase, engineering graduates can be selective about the location and type of employer they want to work for. Employers are looking for graduates who are fully equipped with advanced engineering skills and capable of starting work projects immediately.

Participation requirements

Students commencing in Trimester 3 will be required to complete units in Trimester 3.

Through SEP499 Professional Engineering Practice, you’ll gain industry experience by completing at least 60 days (12 full time weeks) of practical work experience in an engineering workplace, developing and enhancing your understanding of the engineering profession, possible career outcomes, and the opportunity to establish valuable professional networks.  While students are encouraged to find placements themselves, the School and Faculty has a WIL team that can provide dedicated support and opportunities to students.

Placement can occur at any time, including during the standard holiday breaks listed here:

Elective units may be selected that include compulsory placements, work-based training, community-based learning or collaborative research training arrangements.

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Click here for more information.

Students commencing in Trimester 3 will be required to complete units in Trimester 3.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Alternative exits

Graduate Diploma of Engineering (S652)

Equipment requirements

Students must have access to a suitable computer and a network connection.  Information about the hardware and software requirements may be obtained from the School of Engineering, telephone 03 9244 6699.

Articulation and credit transfer

Flexible entry into the course allows students to upgrade their qualifications and to obtain credit for previous studies/experience. Applicants with appropriate qualifications or experience may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Judiciously apply knowledge of engineering principles, techniques and, project management skills to systematically investigate, interpret and analyse complex problems and issues, to ensure that technical and non-technical considerations including costs, risk and limitations are properly evaluated and integrated as desirable outcomes of engineering projects and practice.

Take responsibility for engineering solutions, projects and programs, and ensure reliable functioning of all materials, components, sub-systems and technologies as well as all interactions between the technical system and the context within which it functions to form a complete, sustainable and self-consistent system that optimises social, environmental and economic outcomes over its full lifetime.

Respond to or initiate research concerned with advancing engineering and developing new principles and technologies within the specialist engineering discipline to find and generate information, using appropriate methodology and thereby contribute to continual improvement in the practice and scholarship of engineering.


Prepare high quality engineering documents and present information including approaches, procedures, concepts, solutions, and technical details in oral, written and/or visual forms appropriate to the context, in a professional manner.

Use reasoning skills to critically and fairly analyse the viewpoints of stakeholders and specialists, and consult in a professional manner when presenting an engineering viewpoint, arguments, justifications or solutions to engage technical and non-technical audience in discussions, debate and negotiations.

Digital literacy

Use a wide range of digital engineering and scientific tools and techniques to analyse, simulate, visualise, synthesise and critically assess information and methodically and systematically differentiate between assertion, personal opinion and evidence for engineering decision-making.

Demonstrate the ability to independently and systematically locate and share information, standards and regulations that pertain to the specialist engineering discipline.

Critical thinking

Identify, discern, and characterise salient issues, determine and analyse causes and effects, justify and apply appropriate assumptions, predict performance and behaviour, conceptualise engineering approaches and evaluate potential outcomes against appropriate criteria to synthesise solution strategies for complex engineering problems.

Problem solving

Use research-based knowledge and research methods to identify, reveal and define complex engineering problems which involve uncertainty, ambiguity, imprecise information, conflicting technical or nontechnical factors and safety and other contextual risks associated with engineering application within an engineering discipline.

Apply technical knowledge, problem solving skills, appropriate tools and resources to design components, elements, systems, plant, facilities, processes and services to satisfy user requirements taking in to account broad contextual constraints such as social, cultural, economic, environmental, legal, political and human factors as an integral factor in the process of developing responsible engineering solutions.

Identify recent developments, develop alternative concepts, solutions and procedures, appropriately challenge engineering practice from technical and non-technical viewpoints and thereby demonstrate capacity for creating new technological opportunities, approaches and solutions.


Regularly undertake self-review and take notice of feedback to reflect on achievements, plan professional development needs, learn from the knowledge and standards of a professional and intellectual community and contribute to its maintenance and advancement.

Commit to and uphold codes of ethics, established norms, standards, and conduct that characterises accountability and responsibility as a professional engineer, while ensuring safety of other people and protection of the environment.


Function effectively as a team member, take various team roles, consistently complete all assigned tasks within agreed deadlines, proactively assist, contribute to ideas, respect opinions and value contribution made by others when working collaboratively in learning activities to realise shared team objectives and outcomes.

Apply people and personal skills to resolve any teamwork issues, provide constructive feedback that recognises the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, and contribute to team cohesiveness, bringing to the fore and discussing shared individual and collective knowledge and creative capacity to develop optimal solutions to complex engineering problems.

Global citizenship

Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the global, cultural and social diversity and complex needs of communities and cultures through the assessment of qualitative and quantitative interactions between engineering practices, the environment and the community, the implications of the law, relevant codes, regulations and standards.

Actively seek traditional, current and new information to assess trends and emerging practice from local, national and global sources and appraise the diversity, equity and ethical implications for professional practice.

Approved by Faculty Board 27 June 2019

Course rules

To complete the Master of Engineering, students must attain 16 credit points. Most units (think of units as ‘subjects’) are equal to 1 or 2 credit point, sometimes abbreviated as 'cps'.   Most students choose to study 4 units per trimester, and usually undertake two trimesters each year.

The course comprises a total of 16 credit points, which must include the following:

  • 7 core units (totalling 9 credit points)
  • Completion of STP710 Career Tools for Employability (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • Completion of SEE700 Safety Induction Program (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • Completion of STP050 Academic Integrity (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • One 6-credit point specialisation from the list below. You will be required to complete at least one specialised study as part of this course.
  • 1 level 7 elective unit (totalling 1 credit point)(you can choose which ones to study)

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. Click here for more information.


Refer to the details of each specialisation for availability.


Course structure


STP050Academic Integrity (0 credit points)

STP710Career Tools for Employability (0 credit points)

SEE700Safety Induction Program (0 credit points)

SEB711Managing and Developing Innovation

SEB725Engineering Entrepreneurship

SET721Engineering Sustainability

SEN700Research Methodology

SEN719Project Initiation (2 credit points)#

SEN720Project Implementation and Evaluation (2 credit points)

SEP499Professional Engineering Practice #

# Must have successfully completed STP710 Career Tools for Employability (0 credit-point compulsory unit)


A six (6) credit point specialisation.


one elective unit at level 7 (across the University)

Work experience

Through SEP499 Professional Engineering Practice, you’ll gain industry experience by completing at least 60 days (12 full time weeks) of practical work experience in an engineering workplace, developing and enhancing your understanding of the engineering profession, possible career outcomes, and the opportunity to establish valuable professional networks. 

Details of specialisations

Mechatronics Engineering


Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



This specialisation allows students to enhance the skills acquired through their undergraduate degree and specialise in technological areas associated with electronics. Students will have opportunities to explore interests in power systems, instrumentation and process control; sensor networks; and embedded systems.



SEE701Control Systems Engineering

SEE710Instrumentation and Process Control

SEE711Sensor Networks

SEE712Embedded Systems

SER400Virtual and Augmented Interfaces


Details of specialisations

Mechanical Engineering Design


Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



Product development and innovation are key drivers for Australian industry. To meet this demand, this specialisation brings together studies in leading computer-aided engineering technologies, and advanced materials and manufacturing, while drawing on Deakin’s world-class research teams in a practical and applied approach. You will acquire a solid understanding of product and process modelling and designing for sustainability.


SEM400Computational Fluid Dynamics

SEM711Product Development Technologies

SEM712CAE and Finite Element Analysis

SEM721Product Development

SEM722Advanced Manufacturing Technology

SEM724Design for Additive Manufacturing


Details of specialisations

Civil Engineering


Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



The civil engineering specialisation focuses on the theme of infrastructure engineering and provides students with advanced knowledge in four major sub disciplines of civil engineering, namely, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation systems, and water management. Civil engineering students are highly encouraged to take advantage of the wide array of elective units available, for example those offered in the Construction Management course in the School of Architecture, to complement design with management skills relevant to the civil engineering industry.


SEN725Urban Stormwater Management

SEN727Advanced Geomechanics

SEN728Transportation Infrastructure Systems

SEN769Advanced Structural Design

SEV402Traffic and Transport Engineering

SEV415Infrastructure Engineering


Details of specialisations

Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering


Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code



This specialisation provides unique technical, research and practical learning experiences to prepare graduates for professional and leadership roles in contemporary power system environments.
Students will have access to industry-standard tools and world-class facilities, as well as opportunities to engage with internationally recognised teaching and research staff who have extensive experience in electrical and renewable energy.


SEE406Power System Analysis


SEE705Energy Efficiency and Demand Management

SEE716Electrical Systems Protection

SEE717Smart Grid Systems

SEE718Renewable Energy Systems



Other course information

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.

Other learning experiences

You may choose to use one of your elective units to undertake an internship or participate in an overseas study tour to enhance your global awareness and experience.