Graduate Certificate of Sustainability

2024 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2024 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2024 course information

Award granted Graduate Certificate of Sustainability
Deakin course codeS527

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Duration 0.5 year full-time or part-time equivalent
Course Map - enrolment planning tool

The course map for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2024

The course map for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2024

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser in Student Central.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 8

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – Please note that due to Australian Government regulations, student visas to enter Australia cannot be issued to students who enrol in Deakin online.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Humanity is placing increasing pressure on the environment through growing consumption, resource use, and the increased degradation of natural capital. Issues of sustainability are complex and the need for skilled professionals capable of developing appropriate cost-effective and targeted solutions to these challenges are crucial for our future.

During the Graduate Certificate of Sustainability you will build a solid understanding of issues in sustainability, environmental science and global change. You will develop tools to measure and report on complex sustainability challenges and identify solutions that balance environmental, social and economic considerations. Gain a world-class degree from a university ranked in the top 1% globally for ecology* and kick-start your career making a positive impact on the world.

Career opportunities

As a graduate of this course you will be equipped with the skills to build a rewarding career affecting positive change. You will be well positioned to engage in the development and implementation of practical solutions to the complex problems facing an increasingly resource-constrained society. You may choose to seek employment as an environmental officer, manager or consultant for government, non-government organisations or in the private sector.

Participation requirements

It is important to note that some elective units may include compulsory placement, study tours, work-based training or collaborative research training arrangements.


Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate of Sustainability you could use the credit points you’ve earned to enter into further study, including:

Graduate Diploma of Sustainability (S627)
Master of Sustainability (S727)
Master of Sustainability (Professional) (S728)

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Demonstrate specialist knowledge of natural and social sciences related to sustainability, environmental management, health and environment and sustainable regional development.


Present a reasoned argument that highlights essential details of sustainability, environmental management and sustainable regional development, theory and application, key observations, results and conclusions of scientific research in a professional manner using appropriate style, language and references including local, national, and international contributions or contexts.

Apply listening skills and effective communication skills to accommodate, encourage and answer questions from a range of audience and to defend research/project findings and sustainability implementation propositions.

Interpret the boundaries or limits of social and scientific information, data, discuss error, probability, uncertainty, conclusions and arguments to justify theoretical propositions, methodologies, methods, techniques, conclusions and professional decisions.

Digital literacy

Use well-developed technical skills, judgement and responsibility to independently locate, analyse, evaluate the merits of, synthesise and disseminate sustainability data, information and literature in the planning and implementation of projects to a range of stakeholders in sustainability, environmental management and sustainable regional development.

Critical thinking

Appraise complex social, economic and scientific methodologies and information from a broad range of interdisciplinary sources using critical, analytical and logical reasoning from multiple perspectives for evaluating and providing solutions to sustainability issues that incorporate the holistic principles.

Problem solving

Demonstrate complex problem-solving skills by identifying and creating solutions to real world sustainability through social, economic and/or scientific inquiry.





Global citizenship

Apply principles of sustainability and environmental management knowledge and skills with a high level of autonomy, judgement, responsibility and accountability in collaboration with the supervisor to articulate the place and importance of social and scientific inquiry in the local and global context.

Approved by Faculty Board 26 July 2023

Course rules

To qualify for the Graduate Certificate of Sustainability, students must successfully complete 4 credit points from the following:

  • DAI001Academic Integrity Module (0 credit point compulsory unit)
  • STP710 Career Tools for Employability (0 credit point compulsory unit)
  • 2 core units (2 credit points)
  • 2 course elective units (2 credit points)

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements.

Course structure


Year 1

DAI001Academic Integrity Module (0 credit points)

STP710Career Tools for Employability (0 credit points)

SLE761Professional Research Practice ^

Plus one unit from:

SLE756Sustainability in the Anthropocene

SLE757Environmental Science and Global Change

^ Students undertaking this unit must have successfully completed STP710 Career Tools for Employability (0 credit point)

Course elective units

Plus any two (2) course elective units from the list below.

Students intending to articulate into the Graduate Diploma or Master of Sustainability are recommended to choose their course elective units from within the same specialisation.

Environmental Management

SLE720Risk Assessment and Control

SLE715Circular Economy

SLE716Environmental Protection

SLE725Environmental Management Systems

Health and Environment

HSH701Principles and Practice of Public Health

HSH703Health Promotion

HMC703-OD Promoting Human and Planetary Health (0.5 credit points) ^

HSH736Community Consultation and Participation

HSH728Health Equity and Human Rights

MMC706-OD Change tools (0.5 credit points) ^
MMC705-OD Innovation and leadership (0.5 credit points) ^

Sustainable Regional Development

SLE740Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation

SLE741Regional Development Economics and Planning

SLE742Systems and Strategic Thinking

SLE743Regional Development Modelling

^ Students complete these Deakin approved microcredentials (Stackable Short Courses) to count towards the Health and Environment specialisation. These fully online microcredentials suit professionals with busy lives and work commitments, allowing you to complete microcredentials anytime and anywhere. Please refer to Microcredential learner support for more information.

Other course information

Course duration

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.