Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)

2021 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2021 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2021 course information

Award granted Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2021.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2021.

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser in Student Central.

Cloud CampusNo
Duration4 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code079996J Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
VTAC Codes1400314801 - Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)
1400514801 - Burwood (Melbourne), Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)
1400614801 - Online, Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)
Deakin course codeS462
Approval status

This course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 8.

* Only the first year of this Engineering program is available at the Melbourne Burwood Campus.  Students enrolled at the Melbourne Burwood Campus will be required to transfer to the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus or Cloud (online) mode for the second year of their program.

International students holding student visas – this course is registered for delivery to student visa holders at Geelong Waurn Ponds campus.

The final intake to this course version was in 2021.

Students should contact a Student Adviser in Student Central for course and enrolment information.

Further course structure information can be found in the Handbook archive.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Deakin’s Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) allows you to turn your passion into a rewarding career. Today, mechanical engineers lend their expertise to the development of almost every design imaginable. Not only will this internationally recognised program prepare you to be an industry-ready professional engineer, it’ll give you the chance to get hands-on with advanced technologies in our multi-million dollar engineering precinct.

No matter what types of technology spark your interest, Deakin provides the ultimate training ground to design, construct and test your ideas. You’ll have access to the same tools as industry professionals and, through 60 days of work experience, you’ll work alongside professional engineers on projects that inspire your creativity. On top of that, the course’s project-oriented design-based learning activities develop your ability to work in teams, communicate and lead.

Ready to be the brains behind machines big and small?

Mechanical engineers are crucial to the design and development of the systems, devices and machinery that power our lives, including complex products like cars, aeroplanes, biomedical devices and renewable energy systems.

By studying Deakin’s Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), you’ll be able to confidently utilise principles of technology and science to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. You’ll get the design, engineering and entrepreneurial skills required to develop and run the complex mechanical systems, devices and machines of the future.

This highly sought-after skill set allows you to transition into a variety of engineering roles, from automotive manufacturing and robotics design, to engineering spacecrafts fit for deep space. Graduates can expect to gain employment in supplier companies, leading manufacturing and design companies, aircraft, ship building, automotive, aerospace and biomedical areas.

During the course you’ll cover core mechanical disciplines including machine, structural and thermos-fluids design and industrial control, all while developing professional skills that make you more employable, like project management, communication and teamwork. Importantly, throughout your degree you’ll put these skills into practice with frequent industry-linked experiences including:

  • project-oriented design-based learning (PODBL)
  • access to Deakin’s state-of-the-art Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training
  • international and national competition challenges such as the World Solar Car Challenge and Warman Design and Build Competition.

Project-oriented design-based learning (PODBL) in collaboration with industry, means that practical learning experiences are woven throughout the duration of our engineering courses. And with a minimum of 60 days’ work experience in one or more organisations, you’ll gain insight into your future career options.

With an international skills shortage in the engineering industry, Deakin graduates are in demand both in Australia and further abroad. . Mix electrical, mechanical and robotics engineering into a single degree and secure your future career in a diverse range of industries developing the systems of the future.

Indicative student workload

You can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Professional recognition

Deakin’s Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) is accredited by Engineers Australia, which gives the degree international recognition, allowing graduates to practise as professional engineers in many countries around the world.

Career opportunities

With an international skills shortage in the engineering industry, and roles expected to rise significantly in the next five years, Deakin graduates are in demand both in Australia and further abroad.

Not only that, employers seek out Deakin graduates for their forward-thinking, innovative and entrepreneurial qualities.

Graduate ready to transition into a number of areas and roles including:

  • product development
  • biomedical
  • aerospace
  • automotive
  • field and test engineering
  • advanced manufacturing
  • mining
  • defence
  • railroad
  • textiles
  • research and development
  • control and systems design.

Participation requirements

In order to satisfy course accreditation requirements, as specified and administered by Engineers Australia, all Cloud Campus enrolled students are required to participate in Campus learning activities equivalent to a minimum duration of one full academic week for every trimester of effective full time study in order to ensure that graduates possess and have demonstrated the minimum necessary knowledge and skill base, engineering application abilities, and professional skills, values and attitudes at successful completion of the course to be sufficiently prepared to enter professional engineering practice.

Cloud Campus enrolled students are required to attend campus mode conducted activities during the corresponding Intensive Week in a trimester. Attendance at campus mode activities is linked to assessment requirements within the Engineering programmes, failure to attend will result in not meeting the hurdle requirement of the respective assessment. Thus, a fail grade shall be awarded for the respective affected unit(s) for that particular trimester.

International students: Please note that due to Australian Government regulations, student visas to enter Australia cannot be issued to students who enrol in Deakin’s Cloud Campus. To participate in the mandatory campus based scheduled sessions during the trimester intensive week, it is suggested that you apply for a tourist visa to enter Australia. Please be advised that Deakin University cannot guarantee that you will be granted a tourist visa by the Australian Government.

International students studying through the Cloud Campus may not be granted a visitor visa to complete mandatory onsite components of the course.

Placement can occur at any time, including during the standard holiday breaks listed here:

Elective units may be selected that include compulsory placements, work-based training, community-based learning or collaborative research training arrangements.

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Click here for more information.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Articulation and credit transfer

Flexible entry into the course allows students to upgrade their qualifications and to obtain credit for previous studies/experience. Applicants with appropriate TAFE qualifications or other approved post-secondary studies may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning. Credit may be considered for skills obtained in the workforce or by informal means.

Equipment requirements

Students must have access to a suitable computer and a network connection.  Information about the hardware and software requirements may be obtained from the School of Engineering, telephone 03 9244 6699.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, the type of fee place you hold, your commencement year and your study load. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website or our handy Fee estimator to help estimate your tuition fees.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Integrate well-developed knowledge of physical sciences and engineering fundamentals, which underpins the engineering discipline to analyse complex engineering problems and to evaluate possible solutions.  Apply professional engineering knowledge, and knowledge of contextual factors in order to design, develop and maintain sustainable engineering infrastructure, systems or products.  Plan and execute research projects to show capacity for advanced knowledge and skills in an engineering discipline and thereby demonstrate the ability to continue professional development and/or scholarship.


Apply effective communication skills in a professional context to interpret, evaluate and present technical engineering information using oral, written, visual modes.  Demonstrate proficiency in comprehending viewpoints of others and present arguments and justifications for representing engineering position to technical and non-technical audience.

Digital literacy 

Identify, select and use digital technologies and tools relevant to the engineering discipline to generate, manage and share information.  Demonstrate the ability to independently and systematically locate information, evaluate its reliability, and use the information for engineering design, problem solving and research purposes.

Critical thinking

Demonstrate autonomy and judgement through balanced application of logic, intellectual and research criteria to review, analyse, and synthesise information for engineering problem solving.

Problem solving

Apply engineering knowledge, skills and techniques to identify and define complex problems in a variety of contexts.  Evaluate and use established engineering methods to identify potential solutions to independently and collaboratively resolve complex engineering problems and realise solutions.  Demonstrate innovative and creative approaches and/or solutions in planning, designing or executing engineering projects. 


Evaluate own knowledge and skills using frameworks of reflection and take responsibility for learning and performance.  Work responsibly and safely in engineering environments to demonstrate professionalism.


Undertake various team roles, work effectively within a team, and utilise effective teamwork skills in order to achieve learning goals.  Apply interpersonal skills to interact and collaborate to enhance outcomes through shared individual and collective knowledge and creative capacity to optimise complex problem resolution.

Global citizenship

Formulate sustainable engineering practices by integrating aspects of design, development or research through concern for economic, environmental, social and cultural perspectives and values.  Engage with global traditions and current trends in engineering practice in order to appreciate diversity, seek equity in outcomes and adopt ethical and professional standards. 

Approved by Faculty Board 27 June 2019

Course rules

To complete the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), students must attain 32 credit points. Units (think of units as ‘subjects’) are equal to 1 or 2 credit points, sometimes abbreviated as cps. Most students choose to study units amounting to 4 credit points (or cps) per trimester, and usually undertake two trimesters each year.

The course comprises a total of 32 credit points, which must include the following:

  • 31 credit points of core units (including SEP499 Professional Engineering Practice (30 to 60 days) and 1 elective unit (1 credit point)
  • completion of SEJ010 Introduction to Safety and Project Oriented Learning (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • Completion of STP050 Academic Integrity (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • completion of STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0-credit point compulsory unit)
  • Cloud Campus enrolled students are required to attend campus mode conducted activities during the corresponding Intensive Week in a trimester. Attendance at campus mode activities is linked to assessment requirements within the Engineering programs, failure to attend will result in not meeting the hurdle requirement of the respective assessment. Thus, a fail grade shall be awarded for the respective affected unit(s) for that particular trimester.
Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. Click here for more information.

Course structure


Level 1 - Trimester 1

STP050Academic Integrity (0 credit points)

STP010Career Tools for Employability (0 credit points)

SEJ010Introduction to Safety and Project Oriented Learning (0 credit points)

SEJ101Design Fundamentals (2 credit points)‡

SEB101Engineering Physics

SIT199Applied Algebra and Statistics

Level 1 - Trimester 2

SEJ103Materials Engineering Project (2 credit points)

SIT172Programming for Engineers ‡

SIT194Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

Level 2 - Trimester 1

SEM200Machine Design (2 credit points)

SEM218Fluid Mechanics

SEP291Engineering Modelling

Level 2 - Trimester 2

SEJ201Structural Design (2 credit points)^

SEM216Stress and Failure Analysis


Level 3 - Trimester 1

SEM300Thermo-Fluid System Design (2 credit points)‡

SED304Product Development ‡


Level 3 - Trimester 2

SEM301Industrial Control (2 credit points)‡

SEM302Advanced Stress Analysis

SEM327Dynamics of Machines

Level 4 - Trimester 1

SEJ441Engineering Project A (2 credit points)~

SEM400Computational Fluid Dynamics

Plus 1 elective (one credit point)

Level 4 - Trimester 2

SEJ446Engineering Project B (2 credit points)~

SEM406Advanced Modelling and Simulation ‡

SEP499Professional Engineering Practice *^

* SEP499 Professional Engineering Practice is available in trimester 1, trimester 2 and trimester 3. Students are encouraged to complete this unit in Trimester 3 of the third year of study. 

~Note: Students are expected to undertake SEJ441 and SEJ446 in consecutive trimesters.  Students will be required to seek approval from the unit chair if they are unable to complete SEJ441 and SEJ446 consecutively. 

^ Must have successfully completed STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0 credit point unit)

‡ Not available from 2022, replacement units are as follows:

If student has not completed.....

.....then they will complete instead

SEJ101 Design Fundamentals (2credit points)

SET111 Sustainable Design (1 credit point)

SEJ104 Engineering in Society (1 credit point)

SIT172 Programming for Engineers

SEP105 Programming and Visualisation

SEM301 Industrial Control (2credit points)

SEJ302 Control Systems Engineering (2 credit points)

SEM406 Advanced Modelling and Simulation

SED344 Product Modelling and Design (2 credit points)

SED304 Product Development (1 credit point)

SED344 Product Modelling and Design (2 credit points)

SEM300 Thermo-Fluid System Design (2credit points)

SEM310 Thermo-Fluid Systems (1 credit point)


Engineering recommended elective units:

SEJ751Materials Performance and Durability

SET404Engineering Design: International Study Tour

SEM722Advanced Manufacturing Technology

SEM723Simulation, Testing and Validation for Additive Manufacturing

SEM724Design for Additive Manufacturing

SEM725Materials for Additive Manufacturing

SEN700Research Methodology


Work experience

Through SEP499 Professional Engineering Practice, you’ll gain industry experience by completing at least 30 to 60 days of practical work experience in an engineering workplace, developing and enhancing your understanding of the engineering profession, possible career outcomes, and the opportunity to establish valuable professional networks.

Other course information

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.

Other learning experiences

In your final year of the course, you may apply to undertake an international study tour to engage in a structured program of study, usually involving short project work overseas to gain discipline specific technical expertise and to enhance your global engineering awareness and experience.

Research and research-related study

The key assessment of research and research skills in the programme is through the two linked 2 credit point units in the final year of the course. The first of these units is for students to develop a detailed research proposal and undertake preliminary proof-of-concept or testing of their experimental methods. The second unit is designed to undertake the proposed research and critically evaluate the outcomes of the project. The project is predominantly student-led with direction from an academic supervisor that has expertise in the research field.