Master of Information Systems

2019 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2019 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2019 course information

Award granted Master of Information Systems
Course Map

These course maps are for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2019:

Non-Major Specific

Business Analytics Major

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2019.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 3 2019.

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser.

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Cloud CampusYes

Depending on your professional experience and previous qualifications, the Master of Information Systems is typically 1, 1.5 or 2 years duration.

  • 1 year full time (2 years part time) – 8 credit points
  • 1.5 years full time (3 years part time) – 12 credit points
  • 2 years full time (4 years part time) – 16 credit points

Deakin courses can also be studied part time over a longer period.

CRICOS course code052316E Burwood (Melbourne)
Deakin course codeM722
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

The Master of Information Systems has been developed in response to the rapid growth in the use of information systems and eBusiness applications by businesses and governments internationally.

The mass adoption of social media, the advances of new technologies, and the accumulation of large amounts of data has made information central to many aspects of work and life.

Digital information has revolutionised the way we do business. Its capture, strategic use and associated technology in the business environment, is the discipline of information systems.

The course provides specialist skills in business-oriented principles and practices of information systems and eBusiness. It focuses on the strategic use of information in a business and policy context, supported by a sound technical understanding and capability in specific areas of information systems, particularly information security, supply chain management, and project management.

The course will give you an understanding of the principles and practices of stakeholder analysis, identification of business needs, problems and opportunities, analysis, negotiation and specification of requirements for any solution that may involve technology-inspired change.

You’ll learn quantitative reasoning skills so that you can review business performance to find problems, areas of opportunities, and trends in data using business analytics. You’ll learn data-driven, evidence-based approaches to business decision making and business performance analysis, and you’ll get an understanding of business metrics.

Your project management skills will be developed to ensure that you are able to implement best practice relationship building, communication and resourcing to support your project aims.

Indicative student workload

As a student in the Faculty of Business and Law, you can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Professional recognition

The Master of Information Systems is accredited by the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
Completion of this course grants eligibility for entry as a Professional member of the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

Career opportunities

This course teaches students the skills required to manage the impact of technologies in organisations, understand the role of technology in managing knowledge and information, and recognise the role of modern information systems in society and business.

Graduates can move into careers as data analysts, business analysts, systems analysts, e-Business specialists, security analysts, and information systems project leaders.

Participation requirements

Units in this course may have participation requirements that include compulsory placements, work-based training, community-based learning or collaborative research training arrangements.

Placement can occur at any time, including during the standard holiday breaks listed here:

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Click here for more information.

Mandatory student checks

Units which contain work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, working with children check or other check. These requirements will be detailed in unit guides upon enrolment.

Alternative exits

Graduate Certificate of Information Systems (M522)
Graduate Diploma of Information Systems (M622)

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcome Course Learning Outcome
Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities Demonstrate specialised knowledge and research skills needed to lead and manage the resources and processes associated with information systems within an organisation or social setting.
Communication Effectively transmit models, frameworks and management theory with consideration to impacts and outcomes to both specialists and non-specialists.
Digital literacy Expertly apply specialised information application skills relative to information systems settings.
Critical thinking Apply critical thinking, analytical research skills relative to complex information systems settings.
Problem solving Formulate and recommend expert solutions based on organisational needs and a critical evaluation of alternatives.
Self-management Demonstrate autonomy, adaptability and responsibility, self- reflect and critique own performance and identify and plan future development as a professional.
Teamwork Work collaboratively in teams to produce and share specialised and integrated solutions to complex information systems problems.
Global citizenship Demonstrate a high standard of ethical, legal, and responsible behaviour in the development and deployment of information systems to meet organisational needs.


Course rules

The Master of Information Systems is typically 8, 12 or 16 credit points. The exact number of credit points you study depends on how much credit you receive as recognition of prior learning (RPL) – your professional experience and previous qualifications – which can save you time and money.

For students undertaking 16 credit points, you study 11 credit points of core units, 5 credit points of elective units, plus completion of MAI010 Academic Integrity (0 -credit point compulsory unit) and MIS070 Academic Induction for Postgraduate Information Systems (0 -credit points) . Electives may be selected to complete any 4 credit point postgraduate specialisation offered by the University, subject to eligibility.

Students are introduced to research tools and techniques in core units of the course where they learn analytic skills and the practical application of those skills in professional contexts. They must also complete a capstone unit that requires requiring them to integrate the skills learnt over their course of study and produce an applied piece of research with reference to prevailing literature.



Refer to the details of each specialisation for availability.


Course structure

Core units

MAI010Academic Integrity (0 credit points)

MIS070Academic Induction for Postgraduate Information Systems (0 credit points)

MIS701Business Requirements Analysis

MIS712eBusiness Strategies

MIS713Supply Chain Management and Logistics

MIS732Enterprise Architecture and Governance

MIS741Analysing the Impact of Digital Business

MIS761Enterprise Information Management and Security

MIS770/MIS770AFoundation Skills in Data Analysis ^

MIS781Business Intelligence

MIS782Value of Information

MIS798Project Management

MIT799/MIS799Information Systems in Practice *


^MIS770A is a Start Anytime unit.

*MIT799 new from Trimester 2 2019

Course structure

Elective units

Plus 5 credit points of postgraduate elective units offered by the University (subject to eligibility) which may include the elective units listed below.

Electives may be used to complete any 4 credit point specialisation offered by the University, subject to meeting eligibility requirements.

MWL702Business Practicum *

MWL703Team Internship *

* Special enrolment processes apply to these units.  Please see the handbook entry for MWL702 and MWL703 for more information.

Work experience

This course provides students the opportunity to complete one or more elective work integrated learning units.

More information: WIL Programs

Details of specialisations

Details of specialisations



Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code



MPT732/MPK732Marketing Management #

plus 3 credit points of units from:

MMK738Integrated Marketing Communication

MMK739Strategic Brand Management

MMK751Services Marketing

MPK701Research Design and Analysis

MPK713Consumer Behaviour

MPT736/MPK736International Marketing #

# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit

Details of specialisations

Human Resource Management


Cloud (online)

Unit set code



MPR722/MPM722Human Resource Management *

MMH709Employment Relations for Organisational Effectiveness

MMH753Human Resource Management in the Global Context

MMH707Organisational Development and Change

* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit


Details of specialisations

Financial Planning


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code



Select 4 credit points of units from:

MAA700Estate Planning and Risk Management Strategies ^

MAA719Superannuation and Retirement Planning ~

MAA727Financial Planning Development +

MAA728Financial Behaviour and Decision Making #

MAA745Financial Planning and Economic Fundamentals *

MAF702Financial Markets

MAF707Investments and Portfolio Management

MLC703Principles of Income Tax Law

Note: Students will be required to complete all eight units to satisfy the Financial Planning Association's approved degree requirement for entry into the CFP Certification Program.

~ previously coded MAF708

# previously coded MAF714

^ New unit consolidating MAA746 and MAA729

* previously coded MAF765

+ previously coded MAF709

Details of specialisations



Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code



Select 4 credit points of units from:

MAA754Enterprise Risk Management

MAF702Financial Markets

MAF703Applied Corporate Finance

MAF704Treasury and Risk Management

MAF707Investments and Portfolio Management

MAF767Treasury Dealing


Details of specialisations



Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code




Plus 3 credit point of units from:

MAA703Accounting for Management

MAA716Financial Accounting

MAA725Advanced Accounting Principles and Practice

MAA763Governance and Fraud


Details of specialisations

Business Analytics


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code



MIS771Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation

MIS772Predictive Analytics

MIS775Decision Modelling for Business Analytics

MIS784Marketing Analytics


Other course information

Course duration - additional information
Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Other learning experiences

This course includes the option of other learning experiences including study tour units.

MPT732 Marketing Management (Tour)
MPT736 International Marketing (Tour)

Research and research-related study

Research-related learning tasks are embedded across units where student achievement is demonstrated in specific assessment tasks.