Bachelor of Health Sciences

2021 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2021 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2021 course information

Award granted Bachelor of Health Sciences
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2021.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2021.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 3 2021.

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser in Student Central.

  • Burwood (Melbourne)
  • Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
  • Warrnambool
  • Cloud (online) - only for majors Health Promotion, Disability and Inclusion, Family, Society and Health, Health, Nature and Sustainability, Nutrition, Psychological Science, Psychology for Allied Health , Exercise Science
Cloud CampusYes
Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code052823G Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Deakin course codeH300
Approval status

This course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

A rewarding career in health gives you the chance to reduce health disparities and help individuals and communities – in Australia and overseas – to lead fuller, healthier and happier lives. As a Bachelor of Health Sciences graduate, you can be confident you will  have a solid grounding in a range of health-related fields. You will graduate prepared for a successful career in the largest and fastest growing employment sector in Australia.

Become a specialist in up to three major areas or broaden your knowledge and skill set through elective units. Combining your interests with multiple majors can increase your competitiveness for a variety of health roles while opening the door to further study. This course also offers valuable workplace learning opportunities, giving you the chance to apply your knowledge in real-world contexts and build professional networks in the health sector.

After a flexible course that focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of people in local and global communities?

If you want to work in the health and human services sector tackling the big issues in health, our degree gives you the opportunity to learn from leaders in their field and build genuine industry connections. You’ll get the chance to explore and combine your specific interests, while gaining unique expertise relevant to contemporary issues in health.

Choose from 12 diverse and stimulating majors that will equip you with a sought-after and transferable skill set to launch a successful career in the booming health industry. Major study areas include:

  • disability and inclusion
  • environmental health
  • exercise science
  • family, society and health
  • food studies
  • health promotion
  • health and sustainability
  • medical biotechnology
  • nutrition
  • physical activity and health
  • psychological science
  • psychology for professional development.

Depending on your majors, your health sciences degree can prepare you for work in the following roles and fields including:

  • community engagement officer
  • disability support planner
  • environmental and sustainability officer
  • exercise specialist
  • health promotion coordinator
  • international aid worker
  • nutrition coordinator
  • policy adviser

This flexible degree allows you to combine study areas that you’re passionate about and benefit from workplace learning to become a specialist in the thriving health sector. The Health Sciences Practicum offered in your final year gives you the option to complete a 120-hour practice education placement. This gives you the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge in a real-word context, adding experience to your resume and developing your professional networks in the health sector.

Whatever your choice of majors, this is the degree to propel you into a rewarding career contributing to the promotion of health and wellbeing across society.

*Completing three majors is not possible if a student selects the psychological science major.

Indicative student workload

As a student in the Faculty of Health you can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include classes, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Professional recognition

Not applicable

Career opportunities

This flexible degree allows you to combine study areas that you are passionate about, and benefit from workplace learning to become a specialist in the booming health sector.

Depending on your majors, your health sciences degree can prepare you for work in the following roles and fields:

  • community engagement officer
  • case manager
  • disability support planner
  • family/community/refugee/indigenous project officer
  • environmental and sustainability officer
  • exercise specialist
  • food and nutrition policy developer
  • food scientist
  • health and sports marketer or PR officer
  • health educator or counsellor
  • health policy developer
  • health promotion officer
  • international aid worker
  • lifestyle and wellness professional
  • medical biotechnology researcher
  • nutrition and health promotion coordinator
  • policy adviser
  • regional health service planner

The health and human services sector is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in Australia and the world. With ageing populations and public health issues, such as obesity and chronic illness on the rise, and with governments around the world increasing emphasis on disease prevention, as well as treatment, employability in the sector is strong and continually increasing.

In Australia, the health and human services sector is projected to make the largest contribution to employment growth by 16.1% over the five years to May 2022.*

You may choose to begin your studies with a Bachelor of Health Sciences to get a solid grounding in health sciences and explore your interest areas, then follow a pathway into psychology, nutrition, public health or nursing. This will allow you to pursue further career opportunities in specialist fields.

*Australian Jobs 2018 Report, Department of Jobs and Small Business

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, working with children check or other check. Refer the relevant unit guide.


The Bachelor of Health Sciences can be used as an excellent pathway to postgraduate study including:

Master of Public Health

Master of Health Promotion

Master of Health Economics

Master of Health and Human Services Management

Master of Human Nutrition

Master of Dietetics 

Master of Social Work

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, the type of fee place you hold, your commencement year and your study load. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website or our handy Fee estimator to help estimate your tuition fees.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline Specific knowledge and capabilities

Integrate and apply a broad and coherent knowledge of the determinants of health and illness, health and social data, health equity, cultural diversity, human rights, public policy, health and social systems, and ethical practice, to plan, implement and evaluate programs relevant to health and community services sectors.


Use a range of modes of communication to engage and facilitate groups, organisations and culturally diverse communities as well as communicate discipline specific knowledge to a variety of audiences such as professionals, government and non-government representatives, community members, clients and/or patients.

Digital Literacy

Select and use appropriate technologies to source, interpret, evaluate, adapt, collate and disseminate relevant information to professional networks and communities in an ethical and professional manner.

Critical thinking

Critically analyse evaluate and synthesise relevant discipline specific issues and contemporary literature/research within the health and social services field, applying an evidence-based approach.

Problem Solving

Apply best practice and respond effectively using well-developed cognitive and creative skills within an evidence-based framework to identify, research, analyse, generate and provide practical solutions to a range of changing, diverse and complex health issues, contributing new insights, solutions or understanding.


Employ independent, self-directed work and learning practices in a responsible manner, including self-reflection, in order to practice professionally and contribute to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations.


Establish and facilitate collaborative professional relationships, adapting roles and working as part of interdisciplinary teams with a range of stakeholders to advance the health science field.

Global Citizenship

Reflect on a variety of viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, including one’s own, to engage ethically in professional practice and foster capacity building in health sciences within globally diverse social, cultural and environmental contexts.


Course rules

NOTE: The Bachelor of Health Sciences has undergone some changes in 2016. If you commenced your study in, or prior to, 2015 then the former course structure with two core units may apply. Please contact if you have any queries.

To complete the Bachelor of Health Sciences students must attain 24 credit points. Most units (think of units as 'subjects') are equal to one credit point. In order to gain 24 credit points you will need to study 24 units (AKA 'subjects') over your entire degree. Most students choose to study 4 units per trimester and usually undertake two trimesters each year.

The course comprises a total of 24 credit points and students must ensure that they have met the following course rules to be eligible to graduate.

Must complete:

  • 6 core units (these are compulsory)
  • at least 2 major sequences from list below.
  • at least 18 credit points offered by the Faculty of Health.
  • at least 14 credit points studied at level 2 or 3
  • at least 6 credit points at level 3

May complete a maximum of 6 credit points from units offered by other Faculties.

Must not complete more than 10 credit points at level 1.

All commencing Faculty of Health Undergraduate and Postgraduate course work students are required to complete HAI010 Academic Integrity in their first trimester of study (0 credit point compulsory unit).

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. Click here for more information.

Major sequences

The following majors and minors are available within the Bachelor of Health Sciences.

Availability of majors and minors at each campus varies, including majors and minors offered through Deakin Learning Centres. Refer to the details of each major for campus and Deakin Learning Centre availability.

A major sequence in the Faculty of Health consists of a minimum of 6 credit points in a particular discipline area, including at least 2 credit points at each of levels 2 and 3. Students enrolled in other courses and faculties may take these sequences, or take minor sequences (4 credit points) or individual electives from these discipline areas, subject to meeting the prerequisites.

Individual units cannot be counted towards more than one major. Where the units in one major have already been counted towards another, students must take additional units in the second discipline area. For example, HBS109 is one of the units in Nutrition, as well as being part of the Exercise Science major sequence. Students wishing to combine these two majors must take an additional unit, either in Exercise (HSE) or in Nutrition (HSN). Your student advisor can provide more information.

Faculty of Health minor sequences consist of 4 credit points, as outlined in each major that has a minor sequence available.

Faculty of Health major sequences are described below. Each unit is worth 1 credit point (cp), unless otherwise specified. Unit offerings are subject to resources and demand.

Course structure

Core units

Level 1 - Trimester 1

HAI010Academic Integrity (0 credit points)

HBS107Understanding Health

Level 1 - Trimester 2

HBS108Health Information and Data

Level 2 - Trimester 1

HSH211Australian Health Care System

Level 2 - Trimester 2

HSH219Population Health: A Research Perspective

Level 3 - Trimester 1

HSH323Program Planning, Management and Evaluation

Level 3 - Trimester 2

HSH324Integrated Learning for Practice

Work experience

Work-integrated learning is incorporated within this course, allowing students the opportunity to engage with industry and complete a range of authentic tasks. A core unit at third-year level, based on inter-professional learning (IPL), provides students the opportunity to draw together their cross-disciplinary learning to demonstrate the knowledge and the skills they have acquired throughout the course and apply them to real-world issues. HSH324 Integrated Learning for Practice, involves interdisciplinary teams working to develop responses to real-world problems for presentation to a professional audience.

Students have the option to complete a 120-hour field education placement unit (HSH303 Health Practicum) that provides you with an opportunity to transfer your knowledge and skills to a practical setting, where you can further your learning through realistic field experience. This placement enables you to consolidate your skills under the supervision of qualified practitioners, which assists you to be work-ready after graduation.

Details of major sequences

Health Promotion


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)

Unit set code

MJ-H000004 - Major

MN-H000004 - Minor


This major will equip students with a sound knowledge of the causes of health and illness and of effective strategies for prevention of the latter, as well as practical skills in health education and communication, health planning and management.


HSH102Disease Prevention and Control *

HSH103Health Protection

HSH208Health Communication *

HSH212Professional Practice *

HSH302Politics, Policy and Health

HSH313Contemporary Health Issues

*Units required for Minor sequence and one of HSH302 or HSH313

Details of major sequences

Health, Nature and Sustainability


Burwood (Melbourne) Cloud (online)

Unit set code

MJ-H000043 - Major

MN-H000043 - Minor


This major will explore the inextricable links between human health and the health of the planet. Sustainability issues such as climate change, ecological footprints, sustainable food systems and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be explored. Students will develop skills in identifying the impact of human activity on the natural environment as well as explore other environments that impact human health. They will also be able to respond to current and future health and sustainability challenges using knowledge of the socio-ecological determinants of health, systems thinking, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and nature as a setting for health prevention and promotion.


HSH112Local and Global Environments for Health *

IND101Introduction to Aboriginal Studies

HSW235Community Development: Social Work Theory and Practice D *

HSH202Creating Sustainable Futures *

HSH306People, Health and Place *

HSH340Health in Action: Planning for Sustainable Change

*Units required for Minor sequence

Details of major sequences

Environmental Health


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Unit set code

MJ-S000059 - Major


Environmental Health deals with many factors in our natural and built environment that affects human health. You will learn how microorganisms and toxic substances interact with biological systems and how this leads to clinical effects. Risks to healthy environments in urban, industrial, agricultural and/or natural settings will be evaluated using epidemiology, toxicology and statistics. You will also learn about risk assessment and risk management through policy, legislation, and integration of risk management with environmental management principles. This major is recommended for students interested in working in public health policy, environmental health and related areas.


HSN101Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health


HSH205Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1


SLE342Risks to Healthy Environments

Plus one of the following units:

HBS107Understanding Health *

SLE111Cells and Genes *

*For students undertaking this major as part of H300 Bachelor of Health Sciences you must undertake SLE111 Cells and Genes as part of this major.

*For students undertaking this major as part of S323 Bachelor of Biomedical Science you must undertake HBS107 Understanding Health as part of this major.

Details of major sequences

Health and Sustainability


Burwood (Melbourne)

Unit set code

MJ-H000013 - Major

MN-H000013 - Minor


Note this Major and Minor sequence is available for continuing students only, new students may wish to undertake the new Major/Minor sequence- Health,Nature and Sustainabilty from Trimester 2 2021 onwards

This major will explore the inextricable links between human health and the health of the planet. Sustainability issues such as climate change, ecological footprints, sustainable food systems and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be explored. Students will develop skills in identifying the impact of human activity on the natural environment as well as explore other environments that impact human health. They will also be able to respond to current and future health and sustainability challenges using knowledge of the socio-ecological determinants of health, systems thinking, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and nature as a setting for health prevention and promotion.


SLE121Environmental Sustainability

HSH112Local and Global Environments for Health *

HSW235Community Development: Social Work Theory and Practice D *

HSH202Creating Sustainable Futures *

HSH302Politics, Policy and Health *

HSH340Health in Action: Planning for Sustainable Change

*Units required for Minor sequence

Details of major sequences

Medical Biotechnology


Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Burwood (Melbourne)

Unit set code

MJ-H000032 - Major

MN-H000032 - Minor


Medical Biotechnology uses cells and cell materials to produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help treat and prevent human diseases. This major provides students with a sound understanding of the core sciences underpinning biotechnology for medical advancement.


HMM101Introduction to Medical Biotechnology *

HMM102Principles of Gene and Genomic Technology *

HMM201Medical Nanotechnology *

HMM202Molecular Diagnostics

HMM302Innovations in Medical Biotechnology

HMM305Cell and Tissue Engineering *

*Units required for Minor sequence

Details of major sequences

Disability and Inclusion


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code

MJ-H000025 - Major

MN-H000025 - Minor


(previously titled: People, Society and Disability)

Completion of this major will equip students with skills to be an inclusion professional, working to overcome the social and structural barriers that contribute to disability. Students can apply these skills alongside those of other majors and disciplines, including skills in inclusive communication strategies, inclusive services, advocacy and human rights.


HDS101Communication and Diversity *+

HDS106Diversity, Disability and Social Inclusion *+

HDS209Inclusive Services *

HDS210Diversity At Work +

HDS301The Inclusive Practitioner +

HDS310Human Rights and Advocacy *

*Units required for Minor sequence focusing on inclusive services and advocacy

+Units required for Minor sequence focusing on inclusion practice in diverse professions

Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Warrnambool, Cloud (online).

Unit set code

MJ-H000007 - Major

MN-H000007 - Minor


Students taking a nutrition major will gain a sound knowledge of the biological basis of human nutrition and the relationship between diet, health and disease.


HBS109Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology *

HSN101Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health *

HSN211Nutritional Physiology *

HSN202Lifespan Nutrition *

HSN301Diet and Disease

HSN302Population Nutrition

*Units required for Minor sequence

Students who have previously completed HSN201 do not need to also complete HSN211

Recommended electives

HSN210Nutrition and Food Promotion

HSN305Assessing Food Intake and Activity

Trimester 3 elective

HSN360Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Food Studies


Burwood (Melbourne)

Unit set code

MJ-H000003 - Major

MN-H000003 - Minor


This major provides knowledge of food, ranging from the science of food composition to community issues such as genetically modified foods and food law. This understanding will be useful for a range of careers, including those in industry, health services, business and the mass media.


HSN101Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health *

HSN104The Science of Food *

HSN204Food Safety *

HSN223Sensory Evaluation of Food *

HSN309Food Policy and Regulation

HSN315Food Manufacturing and Process Innovation

*Units required for Minor sequence

Recommended electives

HSN320Trends in Product Development

Trimester 3 elective:

HSN360Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Family, Society and Health


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)

Unit set code

MJ-H000002 - Major

MN-H000002 - Minor


This major focuses on the household and family as a setting for public health. It explores the issues facing households and families, such as the link between healthy human development and healthy households, economic wellbeing and health, and the need for supportive environments. It is ideal for students wishing to work in welfare, health promotion, or with organisations offering support services and resources for families.


HSH105Understanding Families and Health *

HSH113Social Perspectives on Population Health

HSH206Human Development and Healthy Families *

HSH207Socio-Economic Status and Health *

HSH306People, Health and Place *

HSH313Contemporary Health Issues

*Units required for Minor sequence

Details of major sequences

Exercise Science


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)

Note: Cloud (online) offering has on campus intensive workshops of 2-4 days for HSE102, HSE201, HSE202, HSE301 and HSE322.

Unit set code

MJ-H000016 - Major

MN-H000016 - Minor


This major provides students with a sound understanding of the core sciences underpinning both competitive sport and recreational physical activity. A variety of learning approaches is adopted, allowing students to integrate their sporting interests with their studies, as well as to match these with their employment objectives.


HBS109Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology *

HSE102Functional Human Anatomy

HSE201Exercise Physiology *

HSE202Biomechanics *

HSE301Exercise Prescription for Fitness and Health *

HSE322Advanced Exercise Prescription

*Units required for Minor sequence

Physical Activity and Health


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)

Unit set code

MJ-H000023 - Major

MN-H000023 - Minor


This major provides students with an understanding of how behaviour influences health, with a particular emphasis on the relationships between physical activity and health.


HSE111Physical Activity and Exercise for Health *

HSE112Pathways in the Physical Activity, Exercise and Health Industry

HSE212Physical Activity Promotion and Evaluation *

HSE213Children's Physical Activity and Sport *

HSE316Physical Activity and Population Health *

HSE332Global Perspectives in Physical Activity and Exercise for Health

* Units required for Minor sequence

Students who commenced the major in or before 2016 who have completed HBS107 and HBS110 will need to enrol into these second and third year units: HSE203 and HSE212 in 2017, and HSE313 and HSE316 in 2018.

Students who commenced their course in or before 2016 and wish to start undertaking the major in 2017, but have not completed HBS107 and HBS110 will need to follow the new sequence above.

If you are unsure which sequence you can to undertake or have questions about this major, please contact your student adviser immediately by emailing:

Students from courses other than H343 Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science and  H315 Bachelor of Nutrition Science will need to ensure that their course rules will allow them to undertake this major.

Psychological Science


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Warrnambool, Cloud (online). Individual units may not be available on every campus.

Unit set code

MJ-H000034 - Major


This sequence prepares students for postgraduate training towards becoming a practicing registered psychologist. To practice as a psychologist students must complete an undergraduate degree with a major sequence in psychology followed by a fourth year of study in psychology (an Honours in Psychology or a Graduate Diploma of Psychology) that are accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC).

Note: This major cannot be undertaken as part of D391 Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Arts


To obtain the ten unit undergraduate psychology sequence students must complete all the units listed below.

HPS111Introduction to Psychology: Fundamentals of Human Behaviour

HPS121Introduction to Psychology: Individual and Social Development

HPS201Psychology Research Methods (Introductory)

HPS202Child and Adolescent Development

HPS203The Human Mind

HPS204Human Social Behaviour

HPS301Psychology Research Methods (Intermediate)



HPS310Brain, Biology and Behaviour

Psychology for Allied Health


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Warrnambool, Cloud (online). Individual units may not be available on every campus.

Unit set code

MJ-H000035 - Major

MN-H000035 - Minor


(previously titled: Psychology for Professional Development)

This sequence prepares students for work in complementary professional fields upon graduation. Careers immediately available to health sciences graduates within the pathway to allied professions, can be divided broadly into the following categories (please refer to the Psychology Careers website for details):

  • Community work
  • Coaching and counselling individuals and groups
  • Health and human services consulting


HBS110Health Behaviour

HPS202Child and Adolescent Development

HPS207Preparing for Employment

HPS226Applied Health Psychology

HPS302Pathways Through Adulthood

HPS328Psychology At Work (Internship) (Start Anytime)

Minor students select HBS110 and HPS226 and either HPS202 and HPS302 OR HPS207 and HPS328 to suit your career goals.

It is recommended students complete HPS207 in second year to allow sufficient time to complete HPS328 in the final year

Additional information

Course duration

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

H718 Master of Dietetics pre-requisites

If you are intending on completing the Master of Dietetics pre-requisites within the Bachelor of Health Sciences, we recommend that you contact Student Central prior to enrolling to discuss enrolment options. If this is your intended pathway, keep in mind that there may be restrictions on your choice of major sequences and you will have on campus attendance requirements in order to complete all of the prerequisite units for the Master of Dietetics.

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.

Third party arrangements

Deakin College offers a subset of first year subjects of the degree as part of the Diploma of Health Sciences. Students who complete the program with a WAM of at least 50, can gain entry into H300, with credit for core and other units already completed, enabling them to enter at second year level of the degree.

Quality assurance arrangements

The units offered by Deakin College are those offered as part of the H300. Quality assurance is as for the rest of H300.

Research and research-related study

The degree includes two core units that offer research-related study, HBS108 and HSH219. HBS108 ‘Health Information and Data’ provides the basic skills necessary to be consumers and providers of health research information. The unit comprises nine topics, covering: measuring health and disease in populations, introduction to qualitative research, study design, obtaining online health information, evaluating popular health claims, introduction to quantitative research, evidence based practice including critical appraisal. HSH219 ‘Population Health: A Research Perspective’ aims to introduce students to the principles and practices of research in public health and health promotion with a focus on current population health issues using qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. The unit covers topics such as the development and expression of research aims, questions and hypotheses; the application of appropriate research methods specific to research questions; and the different ways of collecting data in various research settings. In addition, the capstone unit in the final year, HSH324, may further provide some students with opportunities to conduct research activities dependent on the nature of projects offered by employers/organisations. Finally, a range of units across the majors incorporate smaller applied research tasks, such as health needs analyses of specific groups, service profiles, social issues research etc.