Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

2023 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2023 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2023 course information

Award granted

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Course Map

These course maps are for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2023:

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser in Student Central.

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online

3 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Accelerated Employment Based Pathyway^ - 1.5 years full time

CRICOS course code102806B Burwood (Melbourne)
Deakin course codeE333
Approval status

This course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

If you are inspired to teach young children, Deakin’s Bachelor of Early Childhood Education provides you with the opportunity to explore early childhood education curriculum theories and pedagogies, child development, health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, professional studies as well as teaching and learning in discipline areas of literacy, mathematics, science and the arts.

You’ll undertake professional placements through Deakin’s Professional Experience Program gaining both practical knowledge and skills to teach children aged birth to 5 years. By experiencing learning across a range of early childhood settings, you will graduate equipped with the confidence and aptitude to meet the significant growth of the Australian early childhood education sector.

Do you want to start your journey to becoming an early childhood educator?

Fast-track your way to becoming an early childhood teacher with this three-year degree. You may additionally be eligible for an attractive scholarship offered by the Victorian Department of Education and Training for pre-service teachers enrolled in early childhood teaching courses.

Deakin maintains close links with the education sector to ensure our courses are developed and reviewed with professional input. You’ll be taught by experts who have teaching experience and who are recognised as leaders and innovators in their fields. This means you can be confident that what you learn with us will be relevant to your future teaching career.

The Professional Experience Program is a key part of every Deakin teaching student’s course experience. Working with more than 1400 early childhood centres and schools across Australia, we’ll arrange at least 80-days of placements for you in early childhood education and care settings where you’ll learn from experienced early childhood teachers.

Choose to study via our premium online learning platform and have the additional flexibility to balance work, life and study. Studying online is collaborative and engaging, while still allowing you to complete your studies when and where it suits you.

Additionally, the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education is approved by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as an early childhood teaching qualification in Australia*, and provides students with an approved pathway from the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (previously Diploma of Children’s Services) offered through TAFE. Eligible students may receive up to 8 credit points of recognition for prior learning towards their degree.

Looking to enhance your early childhood education career? You may be eligible for the Accelerated Employment Based Pathway, which supports you to continue working while you study the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education. Early childhood educators with an approved diploma-level qualification can now apply to complete the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education at the same time as working in an early childhood setting. You’ll receive extra support within early childhood services, including mentorship and time release for study, helping you to complete your degree in just 1.5 years.^

*This course is approved by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as an early childhood teaching qualification in Australia. Graduates of this course who are intending to apply for registration in Victoria or interstate may be required to provide further information.

^To complete the course in 1.5 years it must be taken over 4 consecutive trimesters with compulsory study in Trimester 3.

Indicative student workload

Students will on average spend 150-hours over the teaching period for each credit point undertaking required teaching, learning and assessment activities.

Professional recognition

This program is approved by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as an early childhood teaching qualification in Australia. Graduates of this course will be eligible to register with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). Graduates who are intending to apply for registration interstate may be required to provide further information. Interstate applicants are advised to check the registration requirements in their state or territory carefully.

Career opportunities

There is an increasing demand for qualified early childhood teachers, with the workforce set to double in the next 10-years. Graduates are qualified to work in early childhood settings as early childhood teachers, educational leaders, coordinators or advisers. Graduates may also find employment opportunities in:

  • consultancy
  • NGOs
  • policy
  • research or community-based organisations (e.g. museums, outdoor education, arts institutions, etc)
For more information go to DeakinTALENT

Participation requirements

Professional Experience Placements are a compulsory component of the course and a requirement for registration as a graduate teacher. Placement can occur at any time, including during the standard holiday breaks listed here:

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. More information available at Disability support services.

Students are required to check the placement calendars published on the Professional Experience Office website each year. Placement takes priority over employment and placement periods are generally block placements of 5 full time days per week over 2-5 weeks.

Course delivery is blended and students are required to dedicate time to weekly engagement with located or online teaching and learning activities and resources. This is recommended at combined total 8-10 hours per week per unit including active learning/engagement either face to face or online, and independent study.

Some units will require students to attend early childhood settings or institutions for site-based learning and teaching experiences. Some units will require students enrolled in online learning to attend on campus activities.

Mandatory student checks

Working with Children Check

Applicants will be required to hold a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) prior to undertaking professional experience placements in education settings, as part of this course. Learn more about Working with Children Checks.

Interstate applicants must check the requirements and meet all conditions for undertaking professional experience in schools for their state or territory before undertaking professional experience placements as part of this course.

The Working with Children Check (WWCC) and a Police Check are different checks. Under the Working with Children Act 2005 (the Act) if you are doing child-related work and are not exempt, you must have a Check even if you already have a Police Check.

The Police Check is not an assessment by a government agency. 


Pathways for credit are available for this course. Details of institutional credit agreements are published in the RPL database. International students can apply for packaged offers for some of these pathways.

Applicants who have completed a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (or equivalent) are eligible to receive 8 Credit Points, gaining entry into the course in the second year.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, the type of fee place you hold, your commencement year, the units you choose and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place. Further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods is available on our Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Analyse and apply principles and practices relevant to curriculum, policy and regulations in early childhood and primary school education with in-depth knowledge and evaluation of theoretical underpinning.


Effectively evaluate and select communication skills (oral, written, digital and nonverbal) to professionally transmit knowledge and ideas with diverse individuals and groups (such as children, families, parents and caregivers, colleagues and other professionals, community organisations).

Digital literacy

Critically evaluate and apply a range of technologies to collect, analyse, synthesise, evaluate, generate and transmit information for the purposes of appropriate teaching and learning in a rapidly changing global environment.

Critical thinking

Analyse and evaluate contemporary issues, policies and research in educational and societal contexts to generate and transmit informed judgements to complex situations relating to teaching and learning.

Problem solving

Use analytical and practical skills to make well developed judgements, generate and transmit creative, innovative and authentic solutions to real-life and complex problems encountered when working with diverse individuals and groups (such as children, families, parents and caregivers, colleagues and other professionals, community organisations).


Critically reflect on planning, problem-solving and decision making in teaching and learning contexts. Use initiative and autonomy to apply analytic knowledge and critical reflective skills to demonstrate responsibility for own learning and professional practice (and in collaboration with others).


Actively and collaboratively participate in learning communities, involving learners, families, community members, colleagues and the broader profession.

Global citizenship

Adapt and apply knowledge and skills that support the diversity of Australian society in the professional context. This includes influences of Indigenous and intercultural issues, family contexts, gender and disability on development, learning and teaching.

Approved by Faculty Board 2020

Course rules

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, students must complete 24 credit points comprising:

  • 24 credit points of core units;
  • AAI018 Academic Integrity (0-credit-point compulsory unit)
  • A maximum of 10 credit points at Level 1
  • A minimum of 6 credit points at Level 3 or above

This course includes 80-days of supervised professional experience.

Course structure

Year 1

ECE110Child Development 1

ECE111Curriculum 1: Pedagogies and Play

ECE120Contemporary Perspectives of Education

ECE140Creative Arts 1: Young Children and the Arts

ECE112Curriculum 2: Planning and Assessment for Teaching and Learning

ECE116Promoting Health, Wellbeing and Nutrition

ECE130Partnerships with Families and Communities

ECP128Professional Knowledge (0-2 Years)

Year 2

ECE211Mathematical Learning in the Early Years

ECE212Curriculum 3: Planning and Assessment for Teaching and Learning

ECE220Science 1: Science and Environmental Awareness for Young Children

ECE230Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood

ECE241Creative Arts 2: Music and Visual Arts

ECL101Understanding Early Reading Development

ECP228Professional Practice 2 (3-5 Years)

IND202Australian Indigenous Education: Recognition, Relationships and Reconciliation

Year 3

ECE330Multiliterate Learners in Early Years and School Environments

ECE352Supporting Emerging Mathematical Skills for Infants and Toddlers

ECE360Protective Education and Child Well-Being

ECE370Guiding Engaged, Resilient Learners

ECE340Creative Learning Through the Arts

ECE380Inquiry Into Science Curriculum

ECE404Inclusive Education for Young Children

ECE420Supporting Children Making Transitions

Work experience

Professional Experience Placement

Successful Applicants are required to hold a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) prior to undertaking professional experience placements in education settings, as part of this course. For more information see: 

Students will satisfactorily complete 80-days of supervised professional experience placement in a wide range of education and care settings and a 5-day observational experience in infant and toddler education and care settings across their degree, as outlined below:

Year 1: 5-days in infant and toddler education and care settings (observational)

Year 2: 1 x 20 & 1 x 25 (45-days) in kindergarten settings

Year 3: 20-days in infant and toddler education and care settings, 15-days in kindergarten or foundation (primary school) settings

The School of Education Professional Experience Office makes all arrangements for students’ placements.

For further information contact the School of Education, Professional Experience office.

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing placements.

International students are required to study full-time to complete their course within the duration registered on CRICOS.

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.