Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

2019 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2019 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2019 course information

Award granted

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education


4 years full-time, 3 year fast-track or part-time equivalent

CRICOS course code078148B Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Warrnambool
Deakin course codeE330

Note: Pipelining students will be able to complete their studies in a DLC site dependant on enrolments.

Note: Offered to continuing students only.
Continuing students should contact their course advisor for further information.
Further course structure information can be found in the handbook archive.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

The course teaches students to apply an understanding of child development, curriculum theories and pedagogies in designing and implementing child-centred, play-based and developmentally appropriate programs in childcare, preschool and school contexts. Students also learn to identify and respond positively to contemporary issues and the changing work context within early childhood and primary education.

The course meets new national and international standards in early childhood education, and includes a primary teaching component, allowing students to teach children from early childhood across the whole range of primary schooling.

Professional recognition

This program has been approved by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as an early childhood teaching qualification in Australia.

This program is accredited by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) as an initial teacher education program against the Australian professional standards for teachers. Graduates of this course who are intending to apply for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) may be required to provide further information. You are advised to check the VIT registration requirements carefully.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities

Acquire broad and coherent body of knowledge of education principles and practice and in depth theoretical, technical and applied knowledge of early childhood education.

Use knowledge and understanding of child development in Australian society to work effectively with children aged from birth to eight years, in a range of early childhood and primary school educational settings.

Apply curriculum theories, pedagogies in the design and implementation of child-centred, play-based and developmentally appropriate programs, in a range of early childhood and school educational contexts.


Have well-developed cognitive, technical and communication skills, and be able to select and apply these skills and technologies to transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to others in early childhood education and the care of children.

Communicate effectively with a diverse range of families and communities acknowledging the need to support and respect differences in child rearing and family cultural expectations.

Digital literacy

Employ a range of technologies to collect, analyse, synthesise and evaluate and disseminate information for the purposes of teaching and learning in a rapidly-changing global environment.

Critical thinking

Identify contemporary issues in early childhood education and the changing work context and be able respond positively to these issues.

Use cognitive and technical skills to critically review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge as demonstrated in a range of class activities, including responding to set questions.

Problem solving

Use critical and analytical skills to determine solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems in teaching and learning and to adapt these solutions to diverse contexts and learners.

Analyse and evaluate information in relation to content knowledge, and applied practice and generate and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems.


Apply knowledge and skills in early childhood education and school contexts with autonomy, well-developed judgement and responsibility requiring self-directed work and learning.

Justify and understand leadership and advocacy for collaborative work-based practices in early childhood contexts and schools.

Acquire understanding of the importance of reflective practice to plan and deliver coherent teaching and learning experiences for young children.

Demonstrate abilities and dispositions underpinning lifelong learning and personal attributes that enable a positive contribution to society including critical thinking, creative and problem solving skills.


Take responsibility for personal learning and accountability in professional practice in collaboration with others. 

Selected group assignments will foster collaboration and team work.

Justify and understand leadership and advocacy for collaborative work-based practices in early childhood contexts and schools.

Global citizenship

Demonstrate understandings of the diversity of Australian society and the influences on development of culture, family contexts, gender and disability and the influences of these on the education and care of children.

Adapt knowledge and skills to culturally and socially diverse contexts and communities.

Approved by Faculty Board June 2014

Course rules

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, students must complete 32 credit points of core units as detailed below.

This course includes 110 days of supervised professional experience.

Course structure

Level 4

ECE440 Creative Arts 2: Music, Dance and Drama (Final year of offer 2018, students to enrol in ECE241)

ECE455Effective Primary Mathematics Learning

ECE465 Ecological Perspectives for Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood (Final year of offer 2018, students to enrol in EEO320)

ECE475 Effective Partnerships for Learning (Final year of offer 2017, students to enrol in ECE130)

ECP427Professional Engagement 2 (Primary School 2)

ESE499 Independent Project (Final year of offer 2017, students to enrol in ECE430 - Cloud (online) only unit)

Course structure

Level 3

ECE320Science 2: Science and Design Technology

ECE330Multiliterate Learners in Early Years and School Environments

ECE350 Transition Case Study (2 credit points) (Final year of offer 2017, students to enrol in ECE420 & ECE404)

ECE360Protective Education and Child Well-Being

ECE370Guiding Engaged, Resilient Learners

ECE390 Management and Leadership (Final year of offer 2017, students to enrol in ECE491. The 35-hour professional placement linked to ECE390 to be undertaken in ECE430)

ECP327Professional Engagement 1 (Primary School 1)


Course structure

Level 2

ECE210 Child Development 2 (Final year of offer 2017, students to enrol in ECE312)

ECE212Curriculum 3: Planning and Assessment for Teaching and Learning

ECE216Children's Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education

ECE220Science 1: Science and Environmental Awareness for Young Children

ECE230Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood

ECE240 Creative Arts 1: Visual Art and Media Arts (Final year of offer 2018, students to enrol in ECE140)

ECP226 Professional Teaching Practice and Child Study (0-3 Years) (2 credit points) (No longer offered from Trimester 3 2018 - students to enrol in ECP410 and IND201)');

ECP227Professional Practice 1 (3-5 Years)

ECP228 N

ECP228Professional Practice 2 (3-5 Years)

Course structure

Level 1

ECE110Child Development 1

ECE111Curriculum 1: Pedagogies and Play

ECE112Curriculum 2: Planning and Assessment for Teaching and Learning

ECE113 Young Children's Mathematical Development [No longer available for enrolment]

ECE114 Contexts for Learning in Early Childhood Education [No longer available for enrolment]

ECE115 Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Past and Present [No longer available for enrolment]

ECE116Promoting Health, Wellbeing and Nutrition

ECP127 Professional Experience 1 (0-2 Years) [No longer available for enrolment]


Professional Experience Placement

Students are required to apply for a Working with Children Check.  Apply online as a volunteer at  

For further information contact the School of Education, Professional Experience office.

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.