Master of Cultural Heritage

2017 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2017 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2017 course information
Award granted Master of Cultural Heritage
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from 2017.

If you require a course map from a previous year, please contact a Student Adviser.

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Cloud CampusYes

1-2 years full time or part time equivalent depending on your entry point

CRICOS course code084543G Burwood (Melbourne)
Deakin course codeA787
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Quality Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Develop the knowledge, research skills and practical experience to make a difference in the cultural heritage sector. Whether you want to work with collections, manage a museum or heritage site, or protect and interpret significant sites, landscapes or intangible cultural heritage, specific pathways through the Masters mean you can create a program that is right for you.

Through this program, you’ll develop an extensive, cross-disciplinary knowledge of heritage principles and practice across many disciplines.

Whether you’re a mid-career professional consolidating your practical experience, looking for a change in career, or a recent graduate who’d like to work in museums or heritage organisations, Deakin’s Master in Cultural Heritage provides a pathway into employment in this diverse and exciting field.

Alternative exits

Research information

Students will undertake research training and complete a research project in one of the three following options:

  • one credit points of research training in research design, and a one credit point research project;
  • two credit points of research training in research design and methods (qualitative or quantitative), and a two credit point research project; or
  • two credit points of research training in research design and methods (qualitative or quantitative), and a four credit point research project developed in consultation with a supervisor from the relevant discipline

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities

Understand, investigate and critically reflect on the diverse tangible and intangible manifestations of social memory as expressed in places and sites, objects, traditional practices and beliefs on a personal and collective level and evaluate different conceptual and practical approaches to the identification, conservation, interpretation, management and use. 


Effectively communicate the findings and analysis of cultural heritage concepts, theories and applied knowledge, in written, digital and oral formats to specialist and non-specialist audiences 

Digital literacy

Use a range of generic and specialist cultural heritage digital technologies and information sources to discover, select, analyse, employ, evaluate, and disseminate technical and non-technical information and research outcomes. 

Critical thinking

Critically reflect on, analyse, evaluate and synthesise key concepts in the identification, conservation, interpretation, management and use of cultural heritage.

Apply expert knowledge of, and, technical and creative skills in cultural heritage to evaluate issues and problems in professional practice and scholarship

Problem solving

Apply expert knowledge to critical analyse, and develop innovative and creative solutions to real-world and ill-defined problems or issues in the identification, conservation, interpretation, management and use of cultural heritage.  


Apply knowledge and skills in creative ways to new situations in professional practice and/or further learning in the field of Cultural Heritage with adaptability, autonomy, responsibility and personal accountability for actions as a critically self-reflexive practitioner and learner. 


Apply the principles of effective team work as a member and/or leader of diverse teams. 

Global citizenship

Analyse and address Cultural Heritage issues in the domestic, regional and global context as a critically reflexive scholar and practitioner, taking into consideration cultural and socio-economic diversity, social and environmental responsibility and the application of the highest ethical standards. 

Approved by Faculty Board 2015


Course rules

To qualify for the Master of Cultural Heritage, a student must successfully complete 16 credit points of study comprising:

  • 6 core units
  • 10 credit points of study combining research and elective units in one of the following configurations:
  • Option 1: Dissertation
    • 2 credit points of research training (AIX706, plus one of AIX707 or AIX708)
    • 4 credit point independent research project (AIX702, AIX703)
    • 4 credit points of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies electives
  • Option 2: Research Paper
    • 2 credit points of research training (AIX706, plus one of AIX707 or AIX708)
    • 2 credit point independent research project (AIX704 and AIX705)
    • 6 credit points of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies electives
  • Option 3: Research Project
    • 1 credit point research training (AIX706)
    • 8 credit points of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies electives
    • 1 credit point independent research project (AIX701)

Course structure

Core units

AIM708Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM709Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM723Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM734Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM735Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM736Unit description is currently unavailable

Course structure

Research units

Research units

AIX701Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX702Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX703Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX704Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX705Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX706Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX707Unit description is currently unavailable

AIX708Unit description is currently unavailable

Course structure


AIM703Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM704Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM705Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM714Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM715Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM717Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM722Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM727Unit description is currently unavailable

AIM733Unit description is currently unavailable

2 credit points of the electives may be selected from other Deakin postgraduate units with the approval of the course director.