Master of Humanitarian Assistance

2019 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2019 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]

2019 course information

Award granted Master of Humanitarian Assistance
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2019.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2019.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 3 2019.

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser.

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Cloud CampusYes
Duration1 year full-time or part-time equivalent
Deakin course codeA767
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Note: This course includes a compulsory 5 day intensive class in Trimester 2 held at Deakin University Burwood campus for both campus and cloud located students.

There is also elective unit that contains an intensive in Trimester 3 held at a Deakin University campus for both campus and cloud located students.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

If you’re working in or wishing to work in the humanitarian sector, kick-start your career with an industry-relevant, formal qualification.

The current environment in which humanitarian workers find themselves is more complex and diverse than ever. Conflicts are increasingly complicated and natural disasters are escalating in number and intensity. These often occur in regions already struggling with socio-economic and political constraints and fragility.

This course in humanitarian assistance is strategically positioned as the first course of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region. It builds a unique platform where humanitarian practitioners and academics can share knowledge and experience, with a focus on improving leadership, preparedness and response capacities to national and international emergencies.

Combining theory and practice, the course is delivered using both Deakin’s interactive online study and intensive, located learning practice-based units. Coupled with action-based research in the sector this course enables you to be an effective and highly-skilled worker, both in Australia and internationally.

You will also be able to capitalise on Deakin’s strong partnerships with relevant international non-government organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, other locally-based NGOs, government agencies such as Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and other relevant stakeholders in the sector.

Career opportunities

It is expected that completion of the Master of Humanitarian Assistance will place you in a favourable position to advance your professional standing.  Employment in the humanitarian field is expanding, including in related areas, such as teaching, training, organisation and community capacity building, disaster risk reduction assessment and programming, consulting enterprises, journalism and communications, project management and community development. Opportunities are available in government and non-government agencies concerned with the provision of all aspects of emergency and humanitarian responses including service provision, logistical support, communications, program management and support, community engagement and support, funding, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

For more information go to DeakinTALENT

Participation requirements

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Click here for more information.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Research information

Students will undertake research training and complete a research project in one of the three following options:

  • one credit points of research training in research design, and a one credit point research project;
  • two credit points of research training in research design and methods (qualitative or quantitative), and a two credit point research project; or
  • two credit points of research training in research design and methods (qualitative or quantitative), and a four credit point research project developed in consultation with a supervisor from the relevant discipline

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities

Critique the historical development of the humanitarian system and apply the key principles, exemplary practices and sector standards to current humanitarian context, both national and international, with particular focus on coordination, resilient communities, risk management, emergency responses, recovery strategies


Integrate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate the theory and practice of humanitarian action and communicate to a range of specialist and non-specialist audiences through reports, briefings, essays, case studies, and oral presentations. 

Digital literacy

Research, analyse, report and communicate complex information via the employment of a range of sectorspecialised and generic technological modes to a wide variety of audiences including humanitarian, professional and scholarly communities.

Critical thinking

Investigate, critically analyse, synthesise and report on issues facing contemporary humanitarian scenarios in light of established concepts, practice and design and develop actions, solutions and strategies to address them.  

Problem solving

Apply initiative, creativity and intellectual rigor in researching, identifying, planning, implementing, managing people and processes and evaluating proposed innovative responses to complex situations and problems encountered in a range of humanitarian emergencies,
locally and globally.


Plan, organise and perform as an independent and reflective practitioner in the field as well as in the system generally, demonstrating a commitment to continuing professional development, scholarly research and professional contribution.


Contribute to the achievement of team goals and cohesiveness in diverse humanitarian emergency scenarios, humanitarian planning, implementation projects and research projects through active and constructive participation and contributions to resolving impasses and conflict. 

Global citizenship

Adopt a number of roles, in an efficacious and ethical manner, in a broad range of humanitarian operations across diverse cultural, social, political, economic and environmental spectrums.

Approved by Faculty Board November 2018


Course rules

To qualify for the Master of Humanitarian Assistance, students must successfully complete 8 credit points of study comprising

  • AAI018 Academic Integrity (0-credit-point compulsory unit);
  • 4 credit points of core units
  • Research Project 1 or 2 credit points
  • 2-3 credit points of elective units pending research project

Course structure

Core units

Students to complete the following 4 core units (4 credit points of study)


AHA721Dynamics and Dilemmas of the Humanitarian Sector

AHA722Applied Humanitarian Assistance: From Theory to Practice

AHA724Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Humanitarian Contexts

AIX706Research Design

Course structure

Electives & Research Options

Students to select 4 credit points of study as a combination of research and elective units listed below


AHL701The Humanitarian World

AHA716Humanitarian Settlement

AHA723Fundamentals of Humanitarian Management

AHA725Project and Financial Management in Humanitarian Contexts

AHL705Management of Humanitarian Health Programs

ADH702Humanitarian - Development Nexus

ADH703Evidence and Decision Making in Humanitarian Action

ADH717Sustainability and Development

ADS715Cross Cultural Communication and Practice

AIR707The United Nations and International Organisation

AIR717International Conflict Analysis

AIR726Human Rights in World Politics

HSH701Principles and Practice of Public Health

HSH704Health Communication

HSH709Health and Social Impact Assessment

HSH728Health Equity and Human Rights


AHA726Humanitarian Assistance Internship

ADS753International and Community Development Internship (2 credit points)

Research Options
Option 1

AIX704Research Paper A


AIX705Research Paper B

Option 2

AIX701Research Project

Work experience

Elective units may provide the opportunity for Work Integrated Learning experiences.

Other course information

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Other learning experiences

There are options for WIL and study tours across many of the SHSS courses.

Research and research-related study

Independent research components are embedded across a number of units.