Bachelor of Arts

2018 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2018 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2018 course information
Award granted Bachelor of Arts
Course Map

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2018.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 2 2018.

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 3 2018.

If you require a course map from a previous year, please contact a Student Adviser.

Cloud CampusYes
Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code012762C Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Deakin course codeA300
Approval statusThis course is approved by the University under the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

A Deakin Bachelor of Arts degree offers enormous flexibility, allowing you to keep your career options open and design your course around your interests and for maximum employability.

All arts major sequences are taught as a combination of practical and theoretical learning, with many areas of study offering work placements.

One-third of the course may be taken from outside the Faculty of Arts and Education and you may take single, double, or even triple majors, providing numerous course combinations.

Career opportunities

The Bachelor of Arts develops important and transferable career skills, making you highly employable within a wide range of industries. The broad range of disciplines also allows you to follow your passions, study new and exciting areas, which engenders a lifelong love of learning, highly valued by employers.

An arts degree provides skills for a wide range of careers. Graduates may find careers in international relations, journalism, advertising, media, photography, multimedia, publishing, public relations, marketing, personnel and industrial relations, government, policy development, research, business, finance, community services, ethnic affairs, social work, education, policing, and performing and visual arts.

For more information go to DeakinTALENT

Participation requirements

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Click here for more information.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on your course, your fee category and the year you started. To find out about the fees and charges that apply to you, visit the Current students fees website.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities

Demonstrate a broad and coherent body of knowledge in the Arts disciplines, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines or areas of practice.


Demonstrate highly developed skills in oral, written and electronic communication and the ability to communicate research outcomes, and produce scholarly papers. 

Digital literacy

Research, analyse, synthesise and disseminate information using a range of appropriate technologies and resources in a rapidly-changing global environment. 

Critical thinking

Use critical and analytical thinking and judgment in selecting and applying appropriate theories and methodologies to evaluate information and knowledge about society, culture and the arts. 

Problem solving

Apply cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Creative Arts, including cross-disciplinary approaches. 


Demonstrate autonomy, responsibility and accountability for personal actions and a continued commitment to learning in personal, professional, and scholarly contexts. 


Work and learn collaboratively with colleagues, other professionals and members of the wider community. 

Global citizenship

Demonstrate an awareness of ethical issues, cultural diversity, and social responsibility when engaging in scholarship and professional roles in the local, national or international community. 

Approved by Faculty Board


Course rules

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Arts, students must complete 24 credit points as follows: 

  • two major sequences of at least 8 credit points each. Majors must comprise 2 credit points at level 1 and a minimum of 2 credit points at level 3 (unless otherwise stated).


  • one major of at least 8 credit points and one minor of at least 4 credit points consisting of a minimum of 1 credit point at level one and no more than 1 credit point at level 3 **


  • No more than 10 credit points of units at level 1
  • A minimum of 4 credit points at level 3.
  • Up to a maximum of 8 credit points may be taken from outside the Arts course grouped units.
  • AAI018 Academic Integrity (0-credit-point compulsory unit)

** Students completing minors in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian and Spanish are permitted to complete 4 cp across any 2 levels, i.e. students may complete 2 credit points at level 2 and 2 credit points at level 3

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. Click here for more information.

Course rules

Transition to University Study

The Faculty offers two units AIX160 Introduction to University Study and AIX117 Professional Writing for Work, that are specifically designed to ease the transition into university study. New students are encouraged to enrol in one or both of these units in their first year.

Major sequences

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts are required to complete at least one of the Arts major sequences listed below.

Not all major sequences are available via Campus study at Warrnambool. Students undertaking units in major sequences that are not available in Campus mode at their home campus may enrol in Cloud (online) offerings of those units.

Major and or Minor Campus Notes
Advertising Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)  
Animation Burwood (Melbourne) Offered to continuing students only
Anthropology Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Arabic Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Buddhist Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)

Minor study only

Australian Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)

Offered to continuing students only

Children's Literature Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only
Chinese Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)  
Creative Writing Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Previously Professional and Creative Writing
Criminology Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Dance Burwood (Melbourne) Offered to continuing students only
Design Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong) Minor study only
Digital Media Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Minor study only
Drama Burwood (Melbourne)  
Education Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)  
Film & Television Burwood (Melbourne)

Offered to continuing students only 

Film, Television and Animation Burwood (Melbourne)

Previously Film and Television

Previously Animation

Gender and Sexuality Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Previously Gender Studies
Geography Burwood (Melbourne)

Offered to continung students only 

Minor study only

Geography and Society Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
History Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Indonesian Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
International Politics Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
International Relations Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online) Offered to Waurn Ponds (Geelong) enrolled students by combination of located learning and Cloud (online) modes.
Islamic Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Minor study only
Journalism Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only
Language and Culture Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Major study only. Chinese major not available in Cloud (online) mode
Literary Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)) Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only
Media Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)  
Middle East Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Philosophy Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Photography Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)  
Politics and Policy Studies Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online) Offered to Waurn Ponds (Geelong) enrolled students by combination of located learning and Cloud (online) modes.
Professional Experience and Practice Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong) Minor study only
Public Relations Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only
Sociology Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online) Offered to Waurn Ponds (Geelong) enrolled students by combination of located learning and Cloud (online) modes.
Sport and Society Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online) Minor study only
Spanish Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Studies of Religions Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)  
Sustainability & Society Burwood (Melbourne) Minor study only
Visual Arts Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)  
Visual Communication Design Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong) Offered to continuing students only


Work experience

Elective units may provide the opportunity for Work Integrated Learning experiences.

Details of major sequences


Available to continuing students only


Burwood (Melbourne)


Explore your creativity in the animation study area, looking at the principles of graphic and animation practice and how to develop a moving image. Develop a range of skills and expertise suited to careers in the creative arts, entertainment industry, education and any role that involves making creative choices, teamwork and communicating ideas visually.

Career outcomes

Graduates can be found working in advertising agencies, film production companies, marketing consultancies, multimedia businesses, television corporations and web development companies.


AMC100 - no longer available for enrolment

AMC104 - no longer available for enrolment

AMC203Unit description is currently unavailable

AMC204Unit description is currently unavailable

AMC226Unit description is currently unavailable

AMC228Unit description is currently unavailable

ACC317Unit description is currently unavailable

AMC300Unit description is currently unavailable

AMC339Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Digital Media


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


Minor sequence only

ALM101Unit description is currently unavailable

ALM102Unit description is currently unavailable

ALM201Unit description is currently unavailable

ALM202Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (Online)


Sitting at the intersection of other communication degrees, advertising is an attractive option for those who wish to seek a professional outcome in the Bachelor of Arts. Students will work with client driven projects to enhance their communication skills. This practice and theory based series of units offers students technical and communication skills in the contemporary practices of the advertising industry, introducing them to this dynamic and competitive field.

Career outcomes

You may find employment in the exciting field of advertising or related disciplines including journalism, public relations and digital media. Students can combine their advertising skills and knowledge with many associated areas of study to create their own unique pathway into the vibrant, fast paced world of contemporary communication. 


Complete the following 8 credit points:

ALA101Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA102Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA201Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA202Unit description is currently unavailable

ALM202Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA203Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA302Unit description is currently unavailable

ACC302Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Education Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online)


Units in the Bachelor of Arts - Education Major are designed to provide you with skills and insights to be able to leverage your degree to achieve employment in a broad range of education related fields and organisations. You will learn about educating children, young people and adults in formal and informal contexts. The BA Ed Major will not provide you with accreditation for teaching in schools, but will provide you with a solid grounding should you wish undertake an accredited initial teacher program after completing your BA. Some units may be credited toward these postgraduate studies.



EDU101Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU102Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU201Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU202Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU203Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU301Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU302Unit description is currently unavailable

EDU303Unit description is currently unavailable


Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Criminology provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of crime, including causes of crime and different techniques used to control crime, within the broader context of the criminal justice system. Criminology aims to develop specific knowledge in various crime types, including street crime, crimes in the home, serious and organised crime, transnational crime and terrorism, and key topic areas such as victims of crime, media representations of crime, surveillance and privacy, policing and security; and theoretical and practical skills in understanding and responding to crime problems.

Career outcomes

Promising career opportunities await in both the public and private sector, state and federal police, intelligence agencies and a range of law enforcement and anti-corruption and crime prevention agencies at federal, state and local government, correctional services, community services and private security industries.


ACR101Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

ACR102Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

ACR201Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

ACR203Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR210Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR211Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR212Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR213Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR204Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR202Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

ACR301Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

ACR302Unit description is currently unavailable (Core)

Major study - students must complete six core units: ACR101, ACR102, ACR201, ACR202, ACR301 and ACR302.


Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


Australia’s trade with the Middle East has more than doubled in the past decade, making it an increasingly important region with broad strategic, economic, religious and cultural influence. Studies in Arabic help you develop communication skills in modern standard Arabic, with language fluency further enhanced through an understanding of Middle Eastern history, culture and society. In-country language programs are available to students undertaking a major sequence in Arabic.

Career outcomes

Graduates expect to gain employment in a wide range of organisations, including the education sector, federal defence agencies, government departments, immigration departments/ consultancies, intelligence agencies, major corporations, management consultancies, media organisations, multicultural associations, research and translation services.

In-country study

The In-Country Language Program is available to students completing a major sequence in Arabic via study abroad.  The program is a unique part of language study and an excellent way of accelerating completion of the major.  Second and third year students have the opportunity to spend eight weeks studying language and culture in its own environment. This enables students to converse, read and write about more complex topics and to discuss ideas and information. Students also build upon their knowledge of grammar based on what they have learned previously.  Upon successful completion of this program, students will be awarded a preclusion for either AIB351 or AIB352.  For more information about the In-Country Language program please refer to the Work Integrated Learning website or contact the WIL team:


The Arabic major sequence is offered at two levels; beginners' level (little or no prior knowledge of the language) and post-level 12 Arabic.

Arabic major sequence for beginners

AIB151Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB152Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB251Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB252Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB351Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIB352Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

Approved Study Abroad may replace with AIB351 or AIB352

Students undertaking the beginners' sequence may undertake AIB309 and/or AIB310 in their final level as electives in addition to the prescribed major sequence.


The Arabic major sequence for post-level 12 Arabic:

AIB251Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB252Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB351Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIB352Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIB309Unit description is currently unavailable

AIB310Unit description is currently unavailable

Approved Study Abroad may replace with AIB351 or AIB352


(i) The following units complement the Arabic major sequence:

AIE153Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE154Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Anthropology is the study of humanity in the broadest sense. Anthropology at Deakin focuses on the ways human society creates its communities in diverse cultural settings. Studies in anthropology prepare you to understand and work with people in diverse and international settings. Topics studied include poverty and development, crime and violence, belief systems, health and illness and human ecology.

Career outcomes

You may find employment in community relations, the education sector, government departments, the health industry, media corporations, research consultancies and welfare organisations.


ASS101Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS102Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS203Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS204Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS205Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS233Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS234Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS329Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS330Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne)


The drama program develops your skills in contemporary drama practices and perspectives. It comprises a dynamic combination of acting theory and practice, performance styles and processes, theatre history, text studies, community theatre and technical studies. Final-year students are able to participate in performing arts (drama) internships.

Career outcome

You may find employment in community theatre, drama associations, drama education, film and television production, independent theatre companies and performing arts centres


Complete the following 8 credit points:

ACP109Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP103Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP207Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP280Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP206Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP205Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP378Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)


Details of major sequences

Dance - offered to continuing students only

Offered to continuing students only


Burwood (Melbourne)


A course in dance at Deakin provides contemporary dance training, access to guest practitioners, the skills to choreograph your own work, as well as the chance to develop as a collaborative artist. Deakin is the only university where collaborative work in dance/video, physical theatre and online computer technology is a core component of the course. There is also a focus on skills in oral and written communication, personal and group management, reflection and decision-making. Final-year students are able to participate in performing arts (dance) internships.

Career outcomes

You may find work as a dancer in community dance organisations, contemporary dance companies, contemporary performance companies, dance associations, dance education, freelance choreography, performing arts centres and video and film businesses.


ACD101 Introduction to Contemporary Dance Practice A (No longer available for enrolment)

ACD102 Introduction to Contemporary Dance Practice B (No longer available for enrolment)

ACD203Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD204Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD307Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD309Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD310Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

Note: The following may also be taken in addition to the prescribed major sequence.

ACC317Unit description is currently unavailable

ACC318Unit description is currently unavailable


Details of major sequences



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)


Mandarin Chinese is one of the world’s most important languages. It is the official language of the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan and Singapore and is widely used in community groups throughout South-East Asia, Hong Kong, North America and Australia. It is one of the five official languages of the United Nations. Develop your communication skills in Chinese, with language fluency further enhanced through an understanding of Chinese culture, history and society. In-country language programs are available to students undertaking a major sequence in Chinese, giving you the opportunity to travel overseas and try out your language skills with native speakers.

Career outcomes

Careers in this field include work in the communications industry, community and government organisations, community health organisations, education sector, ethnic affairs associations, foreign affairs departments, multicultural organisations, tourism associations and translation services.

In-country study

The In-Country Language Program is available to students completing a major sequence in Chinese via study abroad. The program is a unique part of language study and an excellent way of accelerating completion of the major.  Second, third and advanced level students have the opportunity to spend between six and eight weeks studying language and culture in its own environment. This enables students to converse, read and write about more complex topics and to discuss ideas and information. Students also build upon their knowledge of grammar based on what they have learned previously.  The program contributes as two credit points (2cp) towards the Chinese language major.  For more information about the In-Country Language program please refer to the Work Integrated Learning website or contact the WIL team:


AIC181Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC182Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC281Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC282Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC381Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC382Unit description is currently unavailable

The Chinese major sequence for students who have completed Chinese at level 12 or equivalent (non-background speakers) begins at second level and consists of the following units: 

AIC281Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC282Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC381Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIC382Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

Post-level 12 students who are not background speakers must complete this major sequence by undertaking 2 credit points from the following units:

AIC385Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC386Unit description is currently unavailable

Chinese major sequence at advanced level for background speakers only

AIC283Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC284Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC383Unit description is currently unavailable '(2 credit points)'

AIC384Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

Advanced speakers must complete this major sequence by undertaking 2 credit points from the following units:

AIC387Unit description is currently unavailable

AIC389Unit description is currently unavailable


Details of major sequences

Childrens Literature


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)

Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only


Deakin is a world leader in children’s and young people’s literature and has developed a full major in the Bachelor of Arts in this growing field. Discover major trends in children’s texts across a range of media, and how stories for young people reflect and challenge the values of their time. This study area caters to students who are interested in children’s literature as a prominent domain of literary production and is of particular relevance to those who intend to work with children and young people as primary or secondary teachers and librarians, and those who wish to produce texts for young people.


Complete the following 6 credit points:

ALL153Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL154Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL228Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL230Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL326Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL350Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete 2 credit points from the following:

ALL275Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL255Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL256Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW252Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL376Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Australian Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)

Offered to continuing students only from 2018, contact your course adviser for further information


Australian Studies is a cross-disciplinary examination of Australia in its local and global contexts. In this study area students engage with Australia’s history and geography, along with the politics, culture and society that makes us who we are. Australian Studies develops in-depth knowledge of Australia, including its colonisation, land uses, migration patterns, popular culture, engagements with Asia, as well as its Indigenous pasts and present. Students also develop critical skills in communication, research and in analytical, critical and abstract thinking.

Career outcomes

Career opportunities exist in the education sector, government agencies, cultural institutions, media organisations, the public service and the marketing and tourism industries.


AIA105Unit description is currently unavailable (Major study core)

AIA106 Sex, Race and Australia's People (Major study core) (No longer available for enrolment)

AIA200Unit description is currently unavailable (Major study core)

AIH238Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH288Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP230Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP209Unit description is currently unavailable

AIA300Unit description is currently unavailable (Major study core)

AIG300Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH326Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH337 Race, Science and Religion in Australia 1860s to 1920s (No longer available for enrolment)

Major study - students must complete 4 core units AIA105, AIA106, AIA200 and AIA300.

Note: Warrnambool enrolled students are able to complete this major sequence via campus mode by selecting the following elective units AIH238, AIP230, AIP247 and AIH326, in addition to the core units.


Film, Television and Animation


Burwood (Melbourne)


Film, Television and Animation develops your creative and critical thinking while providing you with a practical and theoretical grounding in the production and application of film, video and television.

Career outcomes

Graduates can be found working in advertising agencies, broadcast television, corporate communication companies, film education associations, film production companies, freelance film production, media associations and television corporations.


Complete the following credit point at level 1:

ACF106Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete 1 credit point at level 1 from the following:

ACF103Unit description is currently unavailable

ACF107Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 2 credit points at level 2 from the following list:

ACF202Unit description is currently unavailable

ACF205Unit description is currently unavailable

ACF212Unit description is currently unavailable

ACF207Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC216Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete the following level 3 credit point:

ACF303Unit description is currently unavailable



Burwood (Melbourne)

Offered to continuing students only from 2018, contact your course adviser for further information


AIG103Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE102Unit description is currently unavailable

AIG211Unit description is currently unavailable

AIG300Unit description is currently unavailable


Gender and Sexuality Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


What is gender and sexuality studies?

Gender and Sexuality Studies provides an analytical approach to the significance of sex, gender and sexuality in many parts of our lives and the important roles they often play in how we understand ourselves and the structures we live in.  In art and literature, popular culture and the media, politics and the law, marketing and advertising, health and wellbeing, the economics of family life and work, our public identities and intimate lives, sex, gender and sexuality are prominent features of contemporary and historical life.

Gender and Sexuality Studies at Deakin provides a structured interdisciplinary programme for studying sex, gender and sexuality, drawing on local knowledges and histories, while also situating these ideas in their global context. 

Through an integrated study of local experiences and transnational  flows of knowledge and influences, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Deakin provides students with an understanding of key forces which shape our understandings and lived experiences of gender and sexuality, both as cultural phenomena and as embodied practices.  In particular, the programme emphasizes the intersectional dimensions of gender and sexuality, addressing questions of class, citizenship, ethnicity, race, religion, ability and geographical location.  Throughout their studies, units in the Major help students to develop skills to analytically reflect on, and contribute to, a range of important debates.  These include discussions about how sex, gender and sexuality inform understandings of the self, and how we recognize and respond to difference. 

Why undertake a gender and sexuality studies major?

The Gender and Sexuality Studies Major forms part of your Bachelor of Arts degree. It offers graduates core disciplinary knowledge in Gender and Sexuality Studies, drawing on feminist studies and LGBTI/queer studies.  It provides students with the skills and knowledge to research, analyse and discuss expressions of gender and sexuality across times and  places. It builds a strong understanding of key concepts, critical vocabularies, historical contexts and contemporary issues.  

A major in Gender and Sexuality Studies will equip you with the skills not only to recognize and respond to crucial social issues, but also to analyse and re-imagine them. 

Career outcomes

The prominence of sex, gender and sexuality in our lives means that developing a strong historical and critical understanding of sex, gender and sexuality will be of use for people working in a wide variety of vocations, especially those which focus on working with and understanding people and the complex social structures that we live in. 

Gender and Sexuality Studies helps prepare students to work as researchers, writers and creative practitioners.  The Major will help people working within many different areas such as the law, criminology, social policy, community development, archives and museums, social work, education, psychology, marketing and healthcare to develop specialist knowledge of sex, gender and sexuality which they can apply within their specific vocational settings.



Complete the following 4 credit points:

AGS101Unit description is currently unavailable

AGS102Unit description is currently unavailable

AGS200Unit description is currently unavailable

AGS300Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 2 level 2 credit points from the following list:

AIH205Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC207Unit description is currently unavailable

ACR203Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC287Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL256Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 1 level 3 credit point from the following list:

ALL326Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC320Unit description is currently unavailable

The following is recommended to complement the major stream:

ASP129Unit description is currently unavailable

Geography and Society


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


AIG103Unit description is currently unavailable

AIA105Unit description is currently unavailable

AIG211Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP230Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC210Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC211Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC233Unit description is currently unavailable

AIG300Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC304Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC346Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE102Unit description is currently unavailable




Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


You can explore the nature of the modern world – the forces and great events of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the ways historians continue to interpret them. Themes covered include war and peace; modernisation and social change; colonialism, nationalism and internationalism; gender in history; the Holocaust; and sport. Third-year students have the opportunity to undertake an internship and may apply for the US Congress Internship Program.

Career outcomes

You may find employment opportunities in the education sector, local government, media corporations, museums/heritage organisations, research consultancies and tourism organisations.


AIH107Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH108Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH203 Papua New Guinea: Exploring Village, Nation and the Kokoda Track (No longer available for enrolment)

AIH205Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH238Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH240Unit description is currently unavailable

AST256Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH263 History Written with Lightning: Film and the Past (No longer available for enrolment)

AIH264Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH267Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH288Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH326Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH389Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH399Unit description is currently unavailable

Major study - students must complete core units: AIH240 plus AIH399




Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Indonesian language studies develop communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia, as well as an understanding of Indonesian culture, history and society. With more than 220 million speakers of Bahasa Indonesia, and Indonesia being Australia’s closest Asian neighbour, the region is increasingly important to Australia economically, politically and culturally. In-country language programs are available to students undertaking a major sequence in Indonesian, giving you the opportunity to travel overseas and try out your language skills with native speakers.

Career outcomes

Careers in this field include work in the communications industry, community and government organisations, community health organisations, the education sector, ethnic affairs associations, foreign affairs departments, multicultural organisations, tourism associations and translation services.

In-country study

The In-Country Language Program is available to students completing a major sequence in Indonesian via study abroad. The program is a unique part of language study and an excellent way of accelerating completion of the major.  Second and third year students have the opportunity to spend between six and eight weeks studying language and culture in its own environment. This enables students to converse, read and write about more complex topics and to discuss ideas and information. Students also build upon their knowledge of grammar based on what they have learned previously.  The program contributes two credit points (2cp) towards the Indonesian language major.  Upon successful completion of this program students will be awarded a preclusion for either AIF341 or AIF342.  For more information about the In-Country Language program please refer to the Work Integrated Learning website or contact the WIL team:  


Indonesian major sequence for those entering at beginners' level

AIF142Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF146Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF241Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF242Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF341Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIF342Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)


AIF145 (2 credit points - Trimester 3 unit) can replace units AIF146 and AIF142 in the major. It cannot be studied in conjunction with either AIF146 or AIF142.

AIF145 not available to students who are waiting on an offer from VTAC for the current year.

Indonesian major sequence for those entering at post-level 12 level

AIF241Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF242Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF341Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIF342Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIF345Unit description is currently unavailable


AIF321Unit description is currently unavailable


AIF354Unit description is currently unavailable


AIF320Unit description is currently unavailable


AIF345, AIF354 offered in alternate years: offered 2018, 2020 and each year in Trimester 3 Cloud (online).

AIF320, AIF321 offered in alternate years: offered 2017, 2019.

Indonesian stream for students at advanced level for background speakers only

AIF341Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIF342Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIF320Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF321Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF345Unit description is currently unavailable

AIF354Unit description is currently unavailable


AIF345, AIF354 offered in alternating even numbered years: 2018, 2020 and each year in Trimester 3 Cloud (online)

AIF320, AIF321 offered in alternating odd numbered years: 2017, 2019

Approved Study Abroad may replace either AIF341 or AIF342


International Politics


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


AIP107Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR102Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP208Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR200Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP211Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR204Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP209Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR203Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP300Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR349Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR292Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE365Unit description is currently unavailable

AIS203Unit description is currently unavailable


International Relations


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)**, Cloud (Online)

**Waurn Ponds (Geelong) availability to be confirmed


International relations provides you with a better understanding of conflict and cooperation, and war and peace, in contemporary international politics. Study issues in global politics: the nature of power and security, globalisation and global governance, human rights and global justice, the politics of the Asian region and Australia’s place in the world.

Career outcomes

Graduates can expect to gain employment in a wide range of areas including federal defence agencies, foreign affairs departments, immigration departments/consultancies, major corporations, management consultancies and multicultural associations. 

Students majoring in International Relations should also consider a complementary major sequence or electives in Politics and Policy Studies or major or minor in Middle East Studies.


AIR101Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR102Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR200Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR202Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR242Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR203Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR204Unit description is currently unavailable

AIS204Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR292Unit description is currently unavailable

AIS203Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE365Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR348Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR349Unit description is currently unavailable

Major study - students must complete core unit: AIR242



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)

Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only


This long-established program at Deakin offers the skills and knowledge needed to prepare you for employment in the communications industries, across print, TV, radio and online. There is an emphasis on practical hands-on learning and gain experience and develop skills in communicating information in engaging, interesting and accessible ways across different media formats. The curriculum covers news and feature writing, radio and TV reporting, multimedia and online journalism, local and international journalism and media ethics and law. In your final year undertake intensive news production work and an industry internship.

Career outcomes

You may find employment in advertising agencies, consumer and business magazine publishers, freelance journalism, metropolitan, suburban and country newspapers, press agencies, public relations agencies, publishing companies, radio stations and television channels.


Complete the following:

ALJ111Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ112Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ216Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ218Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ221Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ220Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ304Unit description is currently unavailable

ALJ313Unit description is currently unavailable

Language and Culture Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Develop your linguistic skills in Arabic, Chinese or Indonesian, but also gain essential cultural, historical and social perspectives.

Career outcomes

Careers in this field include work in the communications industry, community and government organisations, community health organisations, the education sector, ethnic affairs associations, foreign affairs departments, multicultural organisations, tourism associations and translation services.


Students must complete 4 credit points in one of the languages: Arabic, Chinese, or Indonesian. In addition, students must select 4 credit points of contextual studies units, which must include at least 2 credit points at level 3, from the elective list below. 


Students must complete 4 credit points of Arabic units (AIB)


Students must complete 4 credit points of Chinese units (AIC)


Students must complete 4 credit point of Indonesian units (AIF)

Contextual studies units

Level 1

AIE153Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE154Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR100Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 2

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC233Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 3

AIE334Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE335Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE364Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE365Unit description is currently unavailable

Literary Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


At Deakin, literature is the door to new understandings of cultures and histories. Our literary studies scholars have international profiles in philosophy, poetry, ecology and Australian literature, and will guide you in critical and creative journeys through great literature from the medieval era to today. There are also many opportunities for your own creative writing and critical analysis.

Career outcomes

You may find employment opportunities in advertising agencies, the education sector, freelance writing, government departments, libraries, market research companies, public relations agencies and publishing companies.


Complete the following credit points at level 1:

ALL101Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL102Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 2 credit points at level 2 from the following list:

ALL260Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL202Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL275Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL255Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL256Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW242Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 2 credit points from the following list of level 3 units:

ALL301Unit description is currently unavailable (Commencing 2019)

ALL381Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL376Unit description is currently unavailable

Media Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (Online)


This is an area of rapid and continuous technological, political, economic and social change. Much of the recent explosion in the stock of human knowledge is linked with developments in media. This course of study enables you to graduate with a unique ‘multiskilled’ qualification appropriate for many careers and job markets.

Career outcomes

Graduates can expect to gain employment in a wide range of organisations, including the education sector, the entertainment industry, marketing consultancies, multimedia businesses, newspaper and magazine publishers, public relations agencies and radio and television companies.


Complete 8 credit points from the following:

ALC104Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC106Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC215Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC216Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC304Unit description is currently unavailable

ALC305Unit description is currently unavailable

ACC302Unit description is currently unavailable

ACF320Unit description is currently unavailable

Middle East Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Middle East studies provide a comprehensive understanding of the events and issues shaping the region, with an emphasis on both historical and contemporary issues relevant to the analysis of the Middle East as a regional system, as well as its place in the international system. Importance is placed on the changing role of the US in the Middle East since the end of the Cold War and its push to reshape the region’s political landscape according to American national interests. Several of the endemic conflict situations that exist in the Middle East are examined, including the War on Terror; the invasion and occupation of Iraq; the Israel-Palestine impasse; the 2006 Israel-Lebanon crisis; Iran’s nuclear ambitions; and the role of ‘rogue states’.

Career outcomes

Graduates can expect to gain employment in a wide range of organisations, including the education sector, federal defence agencies, government departments, immigration departments/consultancies, intelligence agencies, major corporations, management consultancies, media organisations, multicultural associations and research.


AIE153Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE154Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH264Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR200Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP216Unit description is currently unavailable

AIS204Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR203Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE364Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR349Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE365Unit description is currently unavailable


Major and Minor study - students must complete AIE153, AIE154, AIE255 and AIE364



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


A distinctive feature of the philosophy study area is its focus on Asian philosophy, psychoanalysis and philosophy as practised in continental Europe. In individual units you cover questions dealing with the nature of human existence; value, belief and purpose; and knowledge and belief.

Career outcomes

Career opportunities exist in corporate and multinational corporations, the education sector, foreign affairs, government departments and the health industry.


ASR100Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP109Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP129Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP208Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP214Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP215Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP216Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP224Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP227Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP228Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP263Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP210Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP309Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP326Unit description is currently unavailable

Major study:  Students to select two level 1 units from ASR100, ASP109, ASP129




Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)


Students undertaking the Photography Major sequence in the Bachelor of Arts will learn basic techniques and practices of photography, using analogue and digital technologies at Level 1. At Level 2, students can select from a range of units that cover professional analogue and digital photographic formats, ambient and artificial studio lighting, documentary and narrative storytelling as well as advanced darkroom and alternative techniques. Students are strongly encouraged to experiment, research and develop their own conceptual and aesthetic sensibilities and to draw on their interdisciplinary studies. At Level 3, students refine their photographic technique and focus on developing individual style with a focus on folio preparation. Work undertaken at this level provides a strong basis for postgraduate studies and professional practice. At all levels of the Photography Major Sequence students are supported to produce  exhibition-quality work, using industry standard equipment and workflow and are encouraged to maximize opportunities for interdisciplinary installation and collaboration.

Career outcomes

You may find employment opportunities in community arts organisations, creative practice, freelance photography, photo journalism, professional studio photography and web and multimedia design companies.


Complete the following credit points at level 1:

ACI101Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI102Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete 4 credit points at level 2 from the following list:

ACI203Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI202Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI204Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI205Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI201Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete the following 2 level 3 credit points:

ACI302Unit description is currently unavailable

ACI303Unit description is currently unavailable


Politics and Policy Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)**, Cloud (Online)

Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only

**Waurn Ponds (Geelong) availability to be confirmed


A Politics and Policy Studies major will enhance your understanding of the big issues in the world today, and assist you to develop the skills to make a difference in your lifetime. We investigate the challenge posed to Australia and the world by climate change; asylum seekers and refugees; development; inequality; political parties and new social movements. We examine the ideas behind the policy and the rhetoric. We look globally for different solutions; investigate how policy lessons are learned; and assess the impact on domestic and global politics. We examine how and why some people are able to exercise power better than others, and assess ideas and opportunities for addressing the pressing social, economic, and environmental issues of our time.

Career outcomes

Graduates can expect to gain employment in many fields including foreign affairs, Intelligence and security, Journalism, Government organisations, Civil society organisations, Business, Policy advocacy, Policy research, Policy design and analysis, Political and social research, Political advisors, Politics, Public communication, Public relations & lobbying, Public service, Speech-writing, Teaching.


AIP107Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP116Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP230Unit description is currently unavailable

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP243Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP245Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP208Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP209Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP211Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP247Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP300Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP301Unit description is currently unavailable

Creative Writing


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)


Gain expertise, practical experience and develop creative skills. In all units, the emphasis is on publication or the achievement of professional standards. Initially, you undertake various forms of constructive, descriptive and narrative writing, progressing to editing, non-fiction and fiction writing, script writing and poetry writing.

Career outcomes

You may find employment in freelance editing and writing, finance, health and manufacturing industries, government departments, media and entertainment industries, publishing companies, tourism, hospitality and service industries.


Complete the following credit points at level 1:

ALW101Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW102Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete at least 3 credit points at level 2 from the following list:

ALW225Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW227Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW223Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW242Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW205Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW252Unit description is currently unavailable

ALW251Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete the following credit points at level 3:

ALW396Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

The following level 3 credit point is recommended as an elective to compliment the major stream:

ALW395Unit description is currently unavailable


Professional Experience and Practice


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


Minor sequence only

APE101Unit description is currently unavailable

APE201Unit description is currently unavailable

APE202Unit description is currently unavailable

APE301Unit description is currently unavailable


Public Relations


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)

Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only


Public relations practitioners are 21st century communication specialists who manage and coordinate relationships between organisations, agencies and the public. With a focus on ethical and sustainable communication practices, the course builds key knowledge and skills in core public relations responsibilities such as: event management and campaigns; social media tactics and media relations; strategic planning, management and communication; and the allied field of marketing communication. Final-year students have the opportunity to develop their skills further by undertaking an industry internship, working with real clients to develop a public relations campaign. The degree’s structure also allows you to pursue study in areas such as journalism, media studies, visual communication design and marketing. This flexibility means our degree combines theory and real-life practice to prepare you for employment in a wide variety of public relations, media and communications roles.

Career outcomes

Our graduates can be found working in corporations, government departments, as well as in not-for-profits and NGOs.


Complete the following 8 credit points:

ALR103Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR104Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR276Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR279Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR207Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA203Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR383Unit description is currently unavailable

ALA302Unit description is currently unavailable

Social and Political Thought

Available to continuing students only. Final year of offer 2016.

This major sequence ranges across communications, politics, sociology, philosophy, gender studies, and international relations. A focus on theorising about society and politics is the common theme. This major has no corresponding Honours programme, but it offers a good supplement for any students interested in undertaking Honours in Sociology, Politics, Philosophy, Communications, or International Relations.

ALC101 Contemporary Communication: Making Sense of Text, Image and Meaning (Final year of offer 2014)

AIP116Unit description is currently unavailable


ASC102Unit description is currently unavailable


ALC209 - no longer available for enrolment

ASP214Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP215Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP216Unit description is currently unavailable


AIP300Unit description is currently unavailable

AIP301Unit description is currently unavailable


ASC308Unit description is currently unavailable



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)**, Cloud (Online)

Warrnambool offering available to continuing students only

**Waurn Ponds (Geelong) availability to be confirmed



Sociology is the study of the processes that create, maintain and change social groups. It explores ways of thinking about personal and public issues in modern social life and how to link them together through the study of society and social relations. Third-year students have the opportunity to further develop their skills by undertaking an internship.


Career outcomes

You may find employment opportunities in community relations, the education sector, government departments, the health industry, local councils, market research companies, welfare organisations and youth work.


ASC101Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC102Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC207Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC210Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC211Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC233Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC250Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC287Unit description is currently unavailable

AST205Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC304Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC308Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC320Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC346Unit description is currently unavailable


Major study - students must complete core units ASC250 and ASC308

Internships - Find out more about Arts and Education - Work Integrated Learning


Sport and Society


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


Minor sequence only

MMS201Unit description is currently unavailable

AST256Unit description is currently unavailable

AST205Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH317Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE309Unit description is currently unavailable



Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Approximately 406 million people speak Spanish, making it second only to Mandarin Chinese in terms of its number of native speakers worldwide. Deakin’s Spanish studies will not only help you to develop communication skills in this important language, but also provide you with an understanding of the history and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. In-country language programs are available to students undertaking a major sequence in Spanish.

Career outcomes

Graduates can expect to gain employment in a wide range of organisations, including the education sector, immigration departments, federal defence agencies, intelligence agencies, government departments, multinational corporations, management consultants, non-government agencies, multicultural associations, research, and translation services.

In-country study

The In-Country Language Program is available to students completing a major sequence in Spanish via study abroad. The program offers students who have completed their first year of Spanish language study the opportunity to spend six weeks studying language and culture in its own environment.  Students build upon their knowledge of grammar based on what they have learned in ALS100 and ALS150, and develop further proficiency in Spanish at the high beginner/low intermediate level. This program contributes one credit point (1cp) towards the Spanish language major and one credit point (1cp) of Level 2 elective credit.  Upon successful completion of this program students will be awarded a preclusion for ALS200, and awarded one credit point of CPL as a Level 2 elective credit.

For more information about the In-Country Language program please refer to the Work Integrated Learning website or contact the WIL team:    


Spanish major sequence for students with no prior language study.

ALS100Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS150Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS200Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS225Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS250Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS300Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS350Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS325Unit description is currently unavailable

The Spanish major sequence for students who have completed Spanish at Level 12 or equivalent (non-background speakers) begins at second level and consists of the following units:

ALS200Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS225Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS250Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS300Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS350Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS325Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS360Unit description is currently unavailable

ALS370Unit description is currently unavailable


Studies of Religions


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)


Understanding religion has seldom been as important as it is today. There is increasing dialogue among the greater religions of the world, but there is also increasing misunderstandings of religious traditions. Religious ideas are regularly debated in the media and featured in popular culture and religious beliefs play a significant role in conflict, peace building, and international development.  With countries and communities becoming more diverse and complex, the need for cross-cultural religious literacy and inter-disciplinary expertise in religion is becoming more urgent.

The Studies of Religions Major is a multi-disciplinary major that looks at religion and religions from diverse viewpoints and methodologies. The major includes units from the disciplines of anthropology, philosophy, sociology, literary and cultural studies and others. It also offers the possibility of focusing on particular religious traditions.


ASR100Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP129Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS101Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC211Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP227Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL274Unit description is currently unavailable

ASP263Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR200Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR205Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR207Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR208Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS233Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL372 Literatures of Hell and Heaven (no longer available for enrolment)

ASR300Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS330Unit description is currently unavailable

Major study - students commencing 2018 must complete core units ASR100, ASR200, ASR300

Minor study - students must complete core units ASR100, ASR200 AS300 and one ASR coded level 2 elective




Visual Communication Design - offered to continuing students only


Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)


ACG102 - no longer available for enrolment

ACG103Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG204Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG206Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG207Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG208Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG305Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG307Unit description is currently unavailable


Sustainability and Society


Burwood (Melbourne)


Minor sequence only

SLE121Unit description is currently unavailable

ALR276Unit description is currently unavailable

ASC207Unit description is currently unavailable

ASS234Unit description is currently unavailable

AIG300Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL381Unit description is currently unavailable

SHD201Unit description is currently unavailable


Visual Arts


Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)


Gain qualifications, skills and knowledge for professional practice in the visual arts. Develop skills for a specialised industry vocation or for a broader role in the fields of culture and the arts. The course combines contemporary theory with specialised studio practice, incorporating digital technologies. Final-year students are able to participate in visual arts internships.

Career outcomes

Graduates may find employment in art galleries and museums, commercial art, cultural associations, the education sector, film production companies, graphic design businesses, media consultancies and services in art therapy.


Complete the following 2 credit points at level 1:

ACV101Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV102Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete 4 credit points at level 2 from the following list:

ACV205Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV206Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV214Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV207Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV210Unit description is currently unavailable

Complete the following 2 credit points at level 3:

ACV311Unit description is currently unavailable

ACV310Unit description is currently unavailable



Burwood (Melbourne), Waterfront (Geelong)


Minor sequence only

Complete the following 4 credit points:

ADD101Unit description is currently unavailable

ACG103Unit description is currently unavailable

ADV201Unit description is currently unavailable

ADD203Unit description is currently unavailable


Islamic Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Islam is one of the three major Abrahamic faiths and is the world’s fastest growing religion that is predicted to overtake Christianity as the preeminent creed in the next fifty years. Further, due to the rise of Islamic extremism, both Islam and Muslims are often in the media and a major focus of politics at both the state and federal level. However, often the discussions pertaining to Islam and Muslims are subject to inaccuracies and disinformation. Therefore, the aim of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain religious literacy in relation to Islam through both theoretical and textual analysis, alongside an analysis of popular culture and current affairs.

Career Outcomes

Gaining knowledge and religious literacy in relation to Islam can lend itself to a careers in both the public and private sector in fields such as public policy, consultancy, and education.




Minor sequence only

Complete the following 4 credit points:

ASR100Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR208Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR206Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR300Unit description is currently unavailable

Buddhist Studies


Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (Online)


Buddhist Studies provides students with a multi-dimensional understanding of Buddhist cultures, philosophies, and practices both in traditional settings and contemporary interpretations. You will gain knowledge of the major Buddhist traditions and learn how core Buddhist practices and ideas – such as mindfulness meditation - have been adapted in contemporary Western settings and have impacted on our ideas of personal development and on public issues in modern social life.  Buddhism is often simplistically viewed as a way of life or a philosophy rather than a complex, multi-dimensional religious tradition. By engaging with this course of study you will develop a critical awareness of the much richer scope of Buddhist thought and cultures – East and West.

You will also have the opportunity to study Indo-Tibetan Buddhism with Tibetan monks in a traditional environment in the Buddhist Studies in India study tour with ASP263 Buddhist Studies in India.

For more information about the Buddhist Studies in India study tour ASP263 please refer to the Work Integrated Learning website or contact the WIL team:  


Minor sequence only

Complete the following 4 credit points:

ASR100Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR207Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR205Unit description is currently unavailable

ASR300Unit description is currently unavailable

Other course information

Course duration - additional information

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Other learning experiences

There are options for WIL and study tours across many of the SHSS courses.

Research and research-related study

Independent research components are embedded across a number of units.