University Handbook
2020 unit information
Classes and seminars in Trimester 3, 2020 will be online. Physical distancing for coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect delivery of other learning experiences in this unit. Please check your unit sites for announcements and updates one week prior to the start of trimester.
Last updated: 5 October 2020
Trimester 1: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)Trimester 2: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)Trimester 3: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Cloud (online)
STP010, SIT223 and must have passed at least seven SIT-coded units
Students will on average spend 150 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.
Internship: Minimum of 100 hours in industry. Students are required to attend a compulsory pre-internship workshop on-campus in the week prior to the start of trimester.
Internship: Minimum of 100 hours in industry. Cloud (online) students are required to attend a compulsory online pre-internship workshop before placement start date.
Please note: Enrolments after the dates below are subject to Unit Chair approval.
Trimester 1, 2020: Friday 21 February 2020 Trimester 2, 2020: Friday 26 June 2020 Trimester 3 2020: Friday 23 October 2020
Note also that delays in completing the placement could mean that the course will take longer to complete than the stated duration. Attendance at the placement may be required outside the trimester dates.
For more information and to complete the application process: please refer to Information Technology Placement or email
Integrating study and work experience in a systematic way is essential for forging close links between the university education process and the workplace. In SIT306 students will have the opportunity to gain professional work experience with an approved host organisation for a minimum of 100 hours. The exact nature, activities and emphasis in each internship/placement will vary according to the context, resources and expertise of staff as well as the experience, qualities and aspirations of the student. However, this systematic opportunity will provide students with experiences with which they can learn about and with an organisation, critically reflect on their Course and Graduate Learning Outcomes, and discipline-specific and generic competencies in the context of work. There are many benefits to students and employers from undertaking relevant work placements/internships during study. The key benefit is that it prepares students for work. Learning and assessment activities in this unit will help students develop an appreciation for work-life and make decisions about personal and professional development. Most importantly, it will provide students relevant evidence when applying for future work. In preparation for the internship, students will attend a pre-internship workshop that aims to: ensure they are work-ready (what to expect, managing risks etc.); use reflective practice on the job; navigate the assessment requirements; and finalise assessments 1 and 2, Me in a Minute and Learning Contract.
These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit
At the completion of this Unitsuccessful students can:
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
Investigate opportunities for learning at a workplace and develop a learning contract that demonstrates awareness of specific roles and responsibilities to effectively participate in placement activities.
GLO3: Digital literacyGLO4: Critical thinkingGLO6: Self-management
Demonstrate evidence of ethical, professional and efficient work practices, and outcomes achieved in order to meet the requirements of agreed work performance targets.
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO4: Critical thinkingGLO5: Problem solvingGLO7: TeamworkGLO8: Global citizenship
Reflect on placement experiences and show capacity for preparing personal and professional development plans.
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO2: CommunicationGLO3: Digital literacyGLO6: Self-management
These Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable for all teaching periods throughout the year
The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.
To be eligible to obtain a pass in this unit, students must demonstrate that they are working to the satisfaction of the host organisation (including skill competency levels, professional code of conduct and project output requirements) at both the mid and end of placement phases.
There is no prescribed text. Unit materials are provided via the unit site. This includes unit topic readings and references to further information.
Click on the fee link below which describes you: